New Feature
Status: Resolved
Resolution: Duplicate
Umbrella issue for tracking all activity for this Fineract release 1.5.0
Issue Links
- Blocked
FINERACT-673 Address issue with creating rejected data table at center level
- Open
FINERACT-674 Address issue with creating rejected data table at loan account level
- Open
FINERACT-675 Address issue with creating rejected data table at office level
- Open
FINERACT-676 Address issue with creating rejected data table at savings account level
- Open
FINERACT-736 Update API docs for associating pre-defined nominal interest rates to loan products
- Open
FINERACT-1142 Recommend OAuth security for production installations
- Open
FINERACT-1001 Enable and Enforce PMD on Fineract
- Open
FINERACT-887 FLAKY org.apache.fineract.integrationtests.FixedDepositTest > testMaturityAmountForDailyCompoundingAndMonthlyPosting_With_365_Days FAILED
- Resolved
FINERACT-1110 Token Module
- Resolved
FINERACT-1111 Fetch Credit Report from ThitsaWorks CB
- Resolved
FINERACT-1188 README and other files are not covered by Spotless
- Resolved
FINERACT-1189 Swagger fineract-client as separate module
- Resolved
FINERACT-1191 fineract-doc
- Resolved
FINERACT-1194 Move Gradle wrapper to root folder
- Resolved
FINERACT-1226 Travis CI does not actually build new multi module project structure
- Resolved
FINERACT-1221 Fineract Client Java SDK API has broken methods
- Open
FINERACT-1315 transfer of client from one office to another are not posting accounting entries
- Open
FINERACT-276 Job scheduler timezones not handled correctly
- Open
FINERACT-608 Share Dividends wrongly calculated
- Open
FINERACT-652 Deliver status is not getting updated to 'Delivered' (status:300) even message is delivered to the mobile
- Open
FINERACT-701 In Individual Collection sheet and Collection Sheet, Not able to select previous year dates(2018) through date picker.
- Open
FINERACT-752 savings interest, posting wrong interest amount when savings-interest-posting-current-period-end is enable
- Open
FINERACT-789 Wrong Journal Entry Posting on Disburse to savings.
- Open
FINERACT-790 Double journal entry on reversal then post of disburse to savings.
- Open
FINERACT-894 Scheduler Jobs Issue
- Open
FINERACT-1310 Accrual transactions not happening for foreclosed loans
- Open
FINERACT-12 For Overdue/Due Fee/Int,Principal strategy with variable installment, late repayment is not working as expected
- Open
FINERACT-13 Multi-tranche Loan repayment on 2nd tranche incorrect
- Open
FINERACT-176 During allocation and settle cash for a cashier if valid inputs are not given then error message displayed as Unknown data integrity issue
- Open
FINERACT-302 Principal Threshold (%) for Last Installment is not working as expected
- Open
FINERACT-307 Accruals accounting does not accrue income on loans closed prematurely
- Open
FINERACT-463 Dashboard showing no data for 'Amount Collected for Today' even though there are transactions today
- Open
FINERACT-478 Savings overdraft fee with charge time type 'overdraft fee' and charge calculation '%amount' is not working
- Open
FINERACT-520 The field for "is staff" in the client creation does not store data
- Open
FINERACT-580 Dashboard summary
- Open
FINERACT-594 Recent Transactions Only Displays Charges, It should show savings and loan transitions too
- Open
FINERACT-739 Loan (Installment in multiples of) Rounding not working
- Open
FINERACT-754 Linked between savings transfer transaction broken when account goes into overdraft
- Open
FINERACT-756 Scheduler job fails If we enter date manually without using date-picker
- Open
FINERACT-1227 Client Java API for binary document files and images are generated wrong
- Open
FINERACT-225 If Loan rescheduling page is submitted with out checking any checkboxes then error message displayed is not proper
- Open
FINERACT-231 Error message displayed is not proper if the valid Center/Group is not selected for generation of collection sheet
- Open
FINERACT-248 Two or more SMS Campaigns should not have the same Name.
- Open
FINERACT-263 "Add Notes" for Centers permission is missing
- Open
FINERACT-274 Not able to create the same datatable which was rejected by the maker checker before
- Open
FINERACT-314 If Tranche disbursement charge payment mode is Account transfer then after first disbursement the charge collection is improper
- Open
FINERACT-1307 Loan Ideal disbursement to calculation cause to wrong interest rate
- Open
FINERACT-1289 Tax component not working as expected
- In Progress
FINERACT-78 Specified due date percentage charge calculation uses loan principal amount instead of installment principal amount
- Reopened
FINERACT-433 Transactions done by cashier for one teller is replicating in other teller with same cashier but different time duration.
- Reopened
FINERACT-924 SchedulerJobsTestResults.testApplyAnnualFeeForSavingsJobOutcome
- Reopened
- Reopened
FINERACT-1036 NullPointerException at DocumentManagementApiResource.createDocument()
- Resolved
FINERACT-1089 Operation not allowed for a result set of type ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY in InterestRateChartReadPlatformServiceImpl
- Resolved
FINERACT-1149 IllegalArgumentException at SQLBuilder.addCriteria() at StaffReadPlatformServiceImpl.retrieveAllLoanOfficersInOfficeById()
- Resolved
FINERACT-1155 NPE at AddressWritePlatformServiceImpl.addNewClientAddress()
- Resolved
FINERACT-1157 UnsupportedOperationException at InteropServiceImpl
- Resolved
FINERACT-1158 NPE at InteropTransferActionType
- Resolved
FINERACT-1187 WAR should have fixed file name
- Resolved
FINERACT-1192 Renovate does not update spring-framework-bom dependencyManagement
- Resolved
FINERACT-1195 podman build is broken
- Resolved
FINERACT-1231 SDK Swagger Java Client generated utilities are broken and should be removed from JAR
- Resolved
FINERACT-1242 OfficeTest fails with java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text '2020-10-25' could not be parsed: Unable to obtain LocalDateTime from TemporalAccessor: {DayOfMonth=25, Year=2020},ISO resolved to 00:10 of type java.time.format.Parsed
- Resolved
FINERACT-1265 ImageTest > getOriginalSize() FAILED expected: text/plain but was : image/jpeg
- Resolved
FINERACT-1290 Unnecessary/wrong accrual posting during loan disbursement
- Resolved
FINERACT-1291 Wrong disbursement date for loans and transaction date for savings account
- Resolved
FINERACT-1294 Error in volume mounting in mysql 5.7 container
- Resolved
FINERACT-1012 Spring Security OAuth 2.x to Spring Security 5.2.x
- Resolved
FINERACT-1070 Email Service Configurations defaults to port 25 irrespective of Port number specified
- Resolved
FINERACT-1313 Holiday functianality not working
- Resolved
FINERACT-1316 Interest calculation going wrong for advance/late payments
- Resolved
FINERACT-244 New Repayment Schedule Not Populating
- Resolved
FINERACT-826 Migrate to java.time from Joda API
- Resolved
FINERACT-877 Release Apache Fineract v1.3.1
- Resolved
FINERACT-1031 Advanced accounting for fees not working
- Resolved
FINERACT-1138 Swagger UI should run "try it out" queries against the server where it is hosted
- Resolved
FINERACT-1145 OAuth Support documentation is missing
- Resolved
FINERACT-1154 Git branch strategy is wrong, use tags instead
- Resolved
FINERACT-1156 SQL injection error with Run Reports
- Resolved
FINERACT-1161 Update & delete of notes not working
- Resolved
FINERACT-1166 gradle build fails if source not a git repository
- Resolved
FINERACT-1169 fix for broken credit bureau loan-product mapping module
- Resolved
FINERACT-1172 Upgrade Flyway from 6.5.7 -> 7.0.0 (latest)
- Resolved
FINERACT-1173 Error Message in case of missing reporting implementation is confusing
- Resolved
FINERACT-1175 Fix spm.repository / spm.domain JPA bug (?), and simplify appContext.xml
- Resolved
FINERACT-1179 Docker build broken
- Resolved
FINERACT-1180 Failing to load securityContext.xml, prevents starting
- Resolved
FINERACT-1199 Jersey (JAX RS implementation) & Tomcat logging needs to be configured to use slf4j instead of JUL
- Resolved
FINERACT-1200 OpenJPA logging to slf4j
- Resolved
FINERACT-1208 -Werror javac compilerArg lost during move to multi modules
- Resolved
FINERACT-1211 ProcessorHelper error handling can lead to NullPointerException
- Resolved
FINERACT-1214 SDK Swagger Client Java API methods returning Rx Observable are not intuitive for Java developers
- Resolved
FINERACT-1220 Client Java SDK must configure GSON to deserialize [yyyy,mm,dd] date format returned by Fineract API
- Resolved
FINERACT-1234 Client Java SDK must configure GSON to serialize yyyy-mm-dd date format
- Resolved
FINERACT-1236 Travis failures due to ZipException: zip END header not found for
- Resolved
FINERACT-1247 ImageTest failures
- Resolved
FINERACT-1250 AuditIntegrationTest > auditShouldbeCreated() FAILED org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: More than one audit created ==> expected: <1> but was: <2>
- Resolved
FINERACT-1255 Staff Swagger declaration is wrong
- Resolved
FINERACT-1256 Bulk Import Template generation should not fail for (office) names containing hyphens and other characters invalid as Sheet Range Names
- Resolved
FINERACT-1262 Document production deployment SSL certificate configuration
- Resolved
FINERACT-1280 Email failure - Internal Server error
- Resolved
FINERACT-1281 No "releaseInteropTransferHandler" command handler
- Resolved
FINERACT-1306 Reporting meta-data entry not found - All reports modules
- Resolved
FINERACT-1311 SavingsAccount getClosedOnDate nullpointer
- Resolved
FINERACT-1088 ResourceAccessException at SmsCampaignDropdownReadPlatformServiceImpl
- Resolved
FINERACT-1100 Swagger CodeGen WARN - New (reserved word) cannot be used as model name. Renamed to ModelNew
- Resolved
FINERACT-1207 Clean up fineract-provider/config/swagger following introduction of fineract-client/
- Resolved
FINERACT-1286 NullPointerException on calc schedule for floating rate loans
- Resolved
FINERACT-1314 Client Familiy Details Edit not working from client view screen
- Resolved
FINERACT-1258 NPE at LoanAccountDomainServiceJpa.recalculateAccruals()
- Closed
FINERACT-1115 Not possible to start tomcat if root password is not "mysql"
- Closed
FINERACT-898 Test failures due to XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException
- Closed
FINERACT-1139 Gradle does not seem to do incremental builds
- Closed
FINERACT-1144 OAuth broken (or is it?)
- Closed
FINERACT-1181 Fineract does not start unless machine is connected to internet
- Closed
FINERACT-1215 docs/developers/swagger/ is out of date
- Closed
FINERACT-1228 java.lang.ClassCastException: class org.apache.fineract.useradministration.domain.AppUser cannot be cast to class org.apache.fineract.useradministration.domain.AppUser
- Closed
FINERACT-1276 Unknown table 'TABLE_NAMES' in information_schema
- Closed
FINERACT-1284 Wrong query for privileges granting on root user - MySQL 5.7
- Closed
FINERACT-1308 Advance Accounting Rule is not being reflected in transactions
- Closed
FINERACT-1309 Back Dated Transactions
- Closed
FINERACT-1185 Interest Posting on Anniversary Dates
- Open
- Open
FINERACT-638 Creation of API's for Web App and Self Service Admin Portal
- Open
FINERACT-687 Automatic application of Late Penalty should not happen in certain scenarios
- Open
FINERACT-690 Global configuration to disallow the change of overdue charges on a loan product to affect the already created loans.
- Open
FINERACT-737 Ability to fetch details of charges paid by a loan transaction
- Open
FINERACT-1183 Ability to archive Fixed Deposit and recurring Deposit Products
- Open
FINERACT-26 Allow a Logo (for Organization) to be set, which will be displayed on the header
- Open
FINERACT-843 Mifos Calculation of reinstallment day
- Open
FINERACT-405 Client/Staff SMS phone number back-end validation, incl. default country code
- Open
FINERACT-1052 Over Payment of loans is Allowed by Default
- In Progress
FINERACT-1177 Alt. distro? Spring Boot JAR is not great for "dropping in" Plugins
- Resolved
FINERACT-1186 Failing to Build latest code
- Resolved
FINERACT-1209 Integration Tests using new Swagger Client API ("Fineract SDK")
- Resolved
FINERACT-1285 Upload Credit Report to ThitsaWorks CB
- Resolved
FINERACT-336 Fund Mapping page Points to Advanced Search page
- Open
FINERACT-348 Issues when doing a "Close-As-Rescheduled" on a loan
- Open
FINERACT-254 Add the Ability to Customize the Password Email Notice
- Open
FINERACT-425 Jobs configurable by loans / savings product and office.
- Open
FINERACT-440 Include runningBalance, appUser in m_share_account_transactions table.
- Open
FINERACT-471 Preview feature for uploaded document
- Open
FINERACT-513 Reverse Overdue Charges Application
- Open
FINERACT-528 After taking survey for a client, Survey is displaying score of each question in stead of total score of each survey
- Open
FINERACT-535 Allow the same name of teller if its from different branchs
- Open
FINERACT-597 mifos -- splitting savings into member and donor(sponsor) for a single saving stream
- Open
FINERACT-631 Allow to specify transfer date when transferring client from one branch to another
- Open
FINERACT-641 Withdrawal fee support for overdrawing account
- Open
FINERACT-643 Journal Entries are not filterable by type of entry: system
- Open
FINERACT-647 Allow rescheduling of loan with recalculation of interest enabled
- Open
FINERACT-657 Enhancement of Standing Instruction dealing with insufficient fund in Savings Account
- Open
FINERACT-670 Transaction 'Notes' should be displayed in summary of transaction
- Open
FINERACT-691 GCM to FCM upgrade in Fineract Back-end for notification
- Open
FINERACT-694 API for Withdrawing Savings Account not available
- Open
FINERACT-1184 Simple Interest Functionality
- Open
FINERACT-391 Fund Management-Delete Enhancement
- Open
FINERACT-392 Ability to edit a self guarantor
- Open
FINERACT-595 Should allow user to specify an account nickname
- Open
FINERACT-633 New Penalty Charge not appearing in Product dropdown list
- Open
FINERACT-769 Adding Loan Collaterals to an existing Loan account
- Open
FINERACT-784 Description Field while creating share product should not be mandatory
- Open
FINERACT-841 Data table lookup only camel case if you are importing db
- Open
FINERACT-1130 Add ErrorProne's TypeParameterUnusedInFormals
- Open
FINERACT-1131 Add Checkstyle IllegalCatch
- Open
FINERACT-791 Transfer of fund from saving balance to shares
- In Progress
FINERACT-1164 Docker Hub Images from release branches
- Reopened
FINERACT-982 Completely ditch use of Drizzle JDBC Driver after all
- Resolved
FINERACT-1113 Request: Add new parameter to loans
- Resolved
FINERACT-931 Test and Document Spring Boot Dev Tools for (automatic "hot reloading" like restarts in development)
- Resolved
FINERACT-1321 Create Loan Charges with options to be Deducted from Loan Amount So that Net loan Amount Minus charges is Disbursed
- Resolved
FINERACT-27 Rescheduling Repayments that fall On Holidays, to a period of 30 days
- Resolved
FINERACT-734 Credit Bureau Integration Phase 3
- Resolved
FINERACT-1075 Error Prone: Enable JdkObsolete Check
- Resolved
FINERACT-1165 Savings Account Scalability Improvement
- Resolved
FINERACT-1171 Multi-module configuration for Gradle
- Resolved
FINERACT-1202 S3ContentRepository exception handling and error logging improvements
- Resolved
FINERACT-1216 docs/developers/swagger/ should explain how to authenticate and pass tenant to Fineract
- Resolved
FINERACT-1218 Missing Integration Test coverage for Document Management functionality
- Resolved
FINERACT-1219 Fineract Client Java SDK API must support "insecure" mode (optionally)
- Resolved
FINERACT-1252 Bump ancient OkHTTP v2.7.5 to current 4.x and Retrofit 1.9.0 to current 2.9.0
- Resolved
FINERACT-1295 Log only WARN & ERR but not INFO anymore
- Resolved
FINERACT-1297 Upgrade Google ErrorProne code quality scanner tool from 2.4.0 to 2.5.1
- Resolved
FINERACT-1301 Need to add resource limitations to fineract & mysql deployments
- Resolved
FINERACT-1312 make keystore externally configurable for docker container
- Resolved
FINERACT-1078 Make spring logs colorful
- Resolved
FINERACT-1112 Replace ZoneId.systemDefault() with tenant's timezone
- Resolved
FINERACT-1178 Allow usage of SQL connection parameters
- Resolved
FINERACT-1193 activeMq error log at startup, while not a strict requirement ?
- Resolved
FINERACT-1203 Make WAR non-executable to avoid confusion (because it's broken anyway)
- Resolved
FINERACT-1241 Elastic web hook
- Resolved
FINERACT-1296 Needs to add Liveness & Readiness Probes for fineract server deployment
- Resolved
FINERACT-1302 Add days in year at loan level
- Resolved
FINERACT-834 documenting Swagger use on README
- Resolved
FINERACT-1196 Use Google JIB Gradle plugin to build Docker images
- Closed
FINERACT-1300 Needs to add init-container to check MYSQL server is up and running for Fineract server
- Closed
FINERACT-1143 Add Test Coverage for OAuth Support
- Resolved
FINERACT-1288 Commands for creating & resetting kubernetes cluster needs to be corrected
- Resolved
FINERACT-1292 Needs to add ReadinessProbe for MySql pod
- Resolved
FINERACT-1327 Report Names with trailing and leading spaces
- Resolved