Version 0.8.0


Start date not set

Released: 03/Dec/13

Release Notes

intra-cluster replication supportShow more
BlockerBugKAFKA-42Support rebalancing the partitions with replicationNeha NarkhedeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-43Rebalance to preferred broke with intra-cluster replication supportNeha NarkhedeClosed
BlockerImprovementKAFKA-325revisit broker config in 0.8Swapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerSub-taskKAFKA-344migration tool from 0.7 to 0.8Yang YeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-391Producer request and response classes should use mapsJoel Jacob KoshyClosed
BlockerImprovementKAFKA-408ProducerPerformance does not work with all producer config optionsUnassignedClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-463log.truncateTo needs to handle targetOffset smaller than the lowest offset in the logSwapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-473Use getMetadata Api in ZookeeperConsumerConnectorYang YeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-490Check max message size on server instead of producerSwapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-497recover consumer during unclean leadership changeUnassignedClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-499Refactor controller state machine Neha NarkhedeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-500javaapi support for getTopoicMetaDataSwapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-501getOfffset Api needs to return different latest offset to regular and follower consumersJoel Jacob KoshyClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-508split out partiondata from fetchresponse and producerrequestJoe SteinClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-509server should shut down on encountering invalid highwatermark fileYang YeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-510broker needs to know the replication factor per partitionYang YeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-511offset returned in Producer response may not be correctJun RaoClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-512Remove checksum from ByteBufferMessageSet.iteratorJay KrepsClosed
BlockerSub-taskKAFKA-513Add state change log to Kafka brokersSwapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-514Replication with Leader Failure Test: Log segment files checksum mismatchUnassignedClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-525newly created partitions are not added to ReplicaStateMachineUnassignedClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-528IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown by kafka.consumer.ConsumerFetcherThreadJun RaoClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-539Replica.hw should be initialized to the smaller of checkedpointed HW and log end offsetUnassignedClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-540log.append() should halt on IOExceptionJun RaoClosed
BlockerNew FeatureKAFKA-545Add a Performance Suite for the Log subsystemJay KrepsClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-557Replica fetch thread doesn't need to recompute message idJay KrepsClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-567Replication Data Loss in Mirror Maker Bouncing testcaseJun RaoClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-575Partition.makeFollower() reads broker info from ZKSwapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-578Leader finder thread in ConsumerFetcherManager needs to handle exceptionsUnassignedClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-579remove connection timeout in SyncProducerSwapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-580system test testcase_0122 under replication fails due to large # of data lossJun RaoClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-592Register metrics beans at kafka server startup Swapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-604Add missing metrics in 0.8Swapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-608getTopicMetadata does not respect producer config settingsNeha NarkhedeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-618Deadlock between leader-finder-thread and consumer-fetcher-thread during broker failureUnassignedClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-622Create mbeans per client Swapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-646Provide aggregate stats at the high level Producer and ZookeeperConsumerConnector levelSwapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-648Use uniform convention for naming properties keys SriramClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-664Kafka server threads die due to OOME during long running testJay KrepsClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-669Irrecoverable error on leader while rolling to a new segmentNeha NarkhedeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-681Unclean shutdown testing - truncateAndStartWithNewOffset is not invoked when it is expected toJun RaoClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-695Broker shuts down due to attempt to read a closed index fileJun RaoClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-698broker may expose uncommitted data to a consumerJay KrepsClosed
BlockerImprovementKAFKA-699Disallow clients to set replicaId in FetchRequestJun RaoClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-702Deadlock between request handler/processor threadsJay KrepsClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-708ISR becomes empty while marking a partition offlineNeha NarkhedeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-726Add ReplicaFetcherThread name to mbean namesSwapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-732MirrorMaker with shallow.iterator.enable=true produces unreadble messagesJun RaoClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-738correlationId is not set in FetchRequest in AbstractFetcherThreadJun RaoClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-743PreferredReplicaLeaderElectionCommand has command line errorJun RaoClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-748Append to index fails due to invalid offsetJay KrepsClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-750inconsistent index offset during broker startupJay KrepsClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-753Kafka broker shuts down while loading segmentsSriramClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-755standardizing json values stored in ZKSwapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-756Processor thread blocks due to infinite loop during fetch response sendSriramClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-757System Test Hard Failure cases : "Fatal error during KafkaServerStable startup" when hard-failed broker is re-startedSwapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-758startHighWaterMarksCheckPointThread is never calledSriramClosed
BlockerImprovementKAFKA-762Improve second replica assignmentJun RaoClosed
BlockerImprovementKAFKA-763Add an option to replica from the largest offset during unclean leader electionSwapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-767Message Size check should be done after assigning the offsetsSriramClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-768broker should exit if hitting exceptions durin startupJun RaoClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-769On startup, a brokers highwatermark for every topic partition gets reset to zeroSriramClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-776Changing ZK format breaks some toolsSwapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-779Standardize Zk data structures for Re-assign partitions and Preferred replication electionSwapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerSub-taskKAFKA-780Reassign partitions tool produces NPE in shutdown handlerSriramClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-785Resolve bugs in PreferredReplicaLeaderElection admin toolSriramClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-786Use "withRequiredArg" while parsing jopt options in all toolsSwapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-793Include controllerId in all requests sent by controllerSwapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-798Use biased histograms instead of uniform histograms in KafkaMetricsGroupSwapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-800inSyncReplica in Partition needs some tweaksSriramClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-801Fix MessagesInPerSec mbean to count uncompressed message rateJun RaoClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-804Incorrect index in the log of a followerJun RaoClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-811Fix clientId in migration toolSwapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerImprovementKAFKA-812Support deep iteration in DumpLogSegments toolJun RaoClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-813Minor cleanup in ControllerSwapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerSub-taskKAFKA-814Controller should not throw exception when a preferred replica is already the leader for a partitionSriramClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-825KafkaController.isActive() needs to be synchronizedJun RaoClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-826Make Kafka 0.8 depend on metrics 2.2.0 instead of 3.xDragos ManolescuResolved
BlockerBugKAFKA-827improve list topic output formatJun RaoResolved
BlockerBugKAFKA-828Preferred Replica Election does not delete the admin path on controller failoverSwapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-830partition replica assignment map in the controller should be a SetNeha NarkhedeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-8320.8 Consumer prevents rebalance if consumer thread is blocked or slowJun RaoClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-840Controller tries to perform preferred replica election on failover before state machines have started upSwapnil GhikeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-846AbstractFetcherThread should do shallow instead of deep iterationJun RaoClosed
BlockerImprovementKAFKA-850add an option to show under replicated partitions in list topic commandJun RaoResolved
BlockerBugKAFKA-866Recover segment does shallow iteration to fix index causing inconsistenciesSriramResolved
BlockerBugKAFKA-871Rename ZkConfig propertiesSwapnil GhikeResolved
BlockerBugKAFKA-876Produce request: Leader not local for partition [test,0] on broker 0 Neha NarkhedeResolved
BlockerBugKAFKA-903[0.8.0 - windows] FATAL - [highwatermark-checkpoint-thread1] (Logging.scala:109) - Attempt to swap the new high watermark file with the old one failedJun RaoResolved
BlockerBugKAFKA-920zkclient jar 0.2.0 is not compatible with 0.1.0Jun RaoResolved
BlockerBugKAFKA-941Add Apache 2.0 license to missing code source filesJoe SteinResolved
BlockerBugKAFKA-942the version of the jar should be 0.8.0-beta1 not 0.8.0-SNAPSHOTJoe SteinResolved
BlockerBugKAFKA-953Remove release-zip from README we are not releasing with itUnassignedResolved
BlockerBugKAFKA-954tidy up README file for better general availabilityJun RaoClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-956High-level consumer fails to check topic metadata response for errorsNeha NarkhedeClosed
BlockerBugKAFKA-964Default hadoop-producer configs to request.required.acks = 1Swapnil GhikeResolved
BlockerBugKAFKA-1010Concurrency issue in getCluster() causes rebalance failure and dead consumerSam MederResolved
BlockerBugKAFKA-1029Zookeeper leader election stuck in ephemeral node retry loopSam MederResolved
BlockerBugKAFKA-1030Addition of partitions requires bouncing all the consumers of that topicGuozhang WangResolved
CriticalBugKAFKA-215Improve system tests for the mirroring codeUnassignedClosed
CriticalBugKAFKA-305SyncProducer does not correctly timeoutPrashanth MenonResolved
CriticalTaskKAFKA-348rebase 0.8 branch from trunkJoe SteinResolved
CriticalBugKAFKA-586system test configs are brokenJohn FungClosed
CriticalBugKAFKA-625Improve MessageAndMetadata to expose the partition UnassignedClosed
CriticalBugKAFKA-673Broker recovery check logic is reversedJay KrepsResolved
CriticalImprovementKAFKA-923Improve controller failover latencyNeha NarkhedeClosed
CriticalBugKAFKA-938High CPU usage when more or less idleUnassignedResolved
CriticalBugKAFKA-944the pom output from publish and publish-local is not accurateJoe SteinResolved
CriticalBugKAFKA-946Kafka Hadoop Consumer fails when verifying message checksumSam MederClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-15SBT release-zip target doesn't include bin and config directories anymoreJun RaoClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-46Commit thread, ReplicaFetcherThread for intra-cluster replicationNeha NarkhedeResolved
MajorBugKAFKA-49Add acknowledgement to the produce request.Prashanth MenonResolved
MajorNew FeatureKAFKA-50kafka intra-cluster replication supportJun RaoResolved
MajorImprovementKAFKA-77Implement "group commit" for kafka logsJay KrepsResolved
MajorBugKAFKA-81wrong path in bin/ UnassignedResolved
MajorImprovementKAFKA-100ProducerShell should use high-level producer instead of SyncProducerUnassignedClosed
MajorImprovementKAFKA-133Publish kafka jar to a public maven repositoryUnassignedResolved
MajorImprovementKAFKA-134Upgrade Kafka to sbt 0.11.3UnassignedResolved
MajorImprovementKAFKA-139cross-compile multiple Scala versions and upgrade to SBT 0.12.1UnassignedResolved
MajorImprovementKAFKA-155Support graceful Decommissioning of BrokerUnassignedResolved
MajorBugKAFKA-171Kafka producer should do a single write to send message setsJay KrepsResolved
MajorSub-taskKAFKA-176Fix existing perf toolsNeha NarkhedeResolved
MajorImprovementKAFKA-181Log errors for unrecognized config optionsJun RaoClosed
MajorImprovementKAFKA-187Add Snappy Compression as a Codec and refactor CompressionUtil and option on startup to select what the default codecJoe SteinResolved
MajorNew FeatureKAFKA-188Support multiple data directoriesJay KrepsClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-192CompressionUtilTest does not run and fails when it doesJoe SteinResolved
MajorImprovementKAFKA-193use by name parameter helper for logging and trait to include lazy logging and refactor code to use the new LogHelperJay KrepsResolved
MajorNew FeatureKAFKA-202Make the request processing in kafka asynchonousNeha NarkhedeResolved
MajorNew FeatureKAFKA-203Improve Kafka internal metricsJun RaoClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-229SimpleConsumer is not logging exceptions correctly so detailed stack trace is not coming in the logsJay KrepsResolved
MajorBugKAFKA-233The producer's load balancing logic can send requests to dead brokers, when using the async producer optionUnassignedClosed
MajorNew FeatureKAFKA-235Add a 'log.file.age' configuration parameter to force rotation of log files after they've reached a certain ageSwapnil GhikeClosed
MajorSub-taskKAFKA-237create/delete ZK path for a topic in an admin toolJun RaoResolved
MajorSub-taskKAFKA-239Wire existing producer and consumer to use the new ZK data structureNeha NarkhedeResolved
MajorSub-taskKAFKA-240implement new producer and consumer request formatUnassignedResolved
MajorImprovementKAFKA-246log configuration values usedUnassignedClosed
MajorImprovementKAFKA-253Refactor the async producer to have only one queue instead of one queue per broker in a Kafka clusterJun RaoResolved
MajorImprovementKAFKA-258Remove from the broker.list config in the ProducerYang YeResolved
MajorImprovementKAFKA-267Enhance ProducerPerformance to generate unique random Long value for payloadYang YeResolved
MajorImprovementKAFKA-271Modify new FetchResponse object to remove the initial offset fieldJay KrepsResolved
MajorImprovementKAFKA-281support multiple root log directoriesUnassignedClosed
MajorImprovementKAFKA-285Increase maximum value of log.retention.sizeUnassignedClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-295Bug in async producer DefaultEventHandler retry logicPrashanth MenonResolved
MajorImprovementKAFKA-296Update Go Client to new version of GoUnassignedResolved
MajorBugKAFKA-306broker failure system test broken on replication branchJohn FungResolved
MajorTaskKAFKA-317Add support for new wire protocol to Go clientUnassignedClosed
MajorImprovementKAFKA-323Add the ability to use the async producer in the Log4j appenderJay KrepsResolved
MajorImprovementKAFKA-324enforce to be a non-negative integerSwapnil GhikeClosed
MajorSub-taskKAFKA-329Remove the watches/broker for new topics and partitions and change create topic admin API to send start replica state change to all brokersPrashanth MenonResolved
MajorSub-taskKAFKA-335Implement an embedded controllerYang YeResolved
MajorSub-taskKAFKA-336add an admin RPC to communicate state changes between the controller and the brokerYang YeResolved
MajorSub-taskKAFKA-337upgrade ZKClient to allow conditional updates in ZKJun RaoResolved
MajorSub-taskKAFKA-338controller failoverYang YeResolved
MajorSub-taskKAFKA-339using MultiFetch in the followerJun RaoResolved
MajorTaskKAFKA-341Create a new single host system test to validate all replicas on 0.8 branchJohn FungResolved
MajorSub-taskKAFKA-342revisit the broker startup procedure according to V3 designYang YeResolved
MajorSub-taskKAFKA-343revisit the become leader and become follower state change operations using V3 designYang YeResolved
MajorImprovementKAFKA-349Create individual "Response" types for each kind of request and wrap them with "BoundedByteBufferSend", remove "xxResponseSend" types for all requests except "FetchRequest"Yang YeResolved
MajorBugKAFKA-351Refactor some new components introduced for replication Jun RaoResolved
MajorBugKAFKA-352Throw exception to client if it makes a produce/consume request to a Kafka broker for a topic that hasn't been createdNeha NarkhedeResolved
MajorSub-taskKAFKA-356Create a generic Kafka thread class that includes basic boiler plate code of instantiating and shutting down threads cleanlyYang YeClosed
MajorSub-taskKAFKA-362ZookeeperConsumerConnector needs to connect to new leader after leadership changeJun RaoResolved
MajorImprovementKAFKA-365change copyright in NOTICE to 2012Joe SteinResolved
MajorImprovementKAFKA-366add jmx beans in broker to track # bytes in consumerJun RaoResolved
MajorBugKAFKA-367StringEncoder/StringDecoder use platform default character setEli ReismanClosed
MajorImprovementKAFKA-368use the pig core jar from maven instead of distributing itJoe SteinResolved
MajorSub-taskKAFKA-369remove ZK dependency on producerYang YeResolved
MajorBugKAFKA-370Exception "java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get" appears inconsistently in Mirror Maker log.Jun RaoClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-371Creating topic of empty string puts broker in a bad stateJay KrepsResolved
MajorBugKAFKA-376expose different data to fetch requests from the follower replicas and consumer clientsPrashanth MenonClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-379TopicCount.constructTopicCount isn't thread-safeJun RaoClosed
MajorTaskKAFKA-380Enhance single_host_multi_brokers test with failure to trigger leader re-election in replicationJohn FungResolved
MajorBugKAFKA-382Write ordering guarantee violatedJay KrepsResolved
MajorBugKAFKA-385RequestPurgatory enhancements - expire/checkSatisfy issue; add jmx beansJoel Jacob KoshyClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-386Race condition in accessing ISRUnassignedClosed
MajorImprovementKAFKA-393Add constructor for message which takes both byte array offset and lengthUnassignedClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-396Mirroring system test fails on 0.8Joel Jacob KoshyResolved
MajorBugKAFKA-412deal with empty TopicData list in producer and fetch requestJun RaoResolved
MajorBugKAFKA-413single_host_multi_brokers system test fails on laptopJohn FungResolved
MajorBugKAFKA-415Controller throws NoSuchElementException while marking a broker failedYang YeClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-416Controller tests throw several zookeeper errorsYang YeClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-417NullPointerException in ZookeeperConsumerConnectorJun RaoResolved
MajorBugKAFKA-418NullPointerException in ConsumerFetcherManagerJun RaoClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-420maintain HW correctly with only 1 replica in ISRJun RaoClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-422LazyInitProducerTest has transient test failureUnassignedClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-425Wrong class name in performance test scriptsJay KrepsResolved
MajorBugKAFKA-427LogRecoverTest.testHWCheckpointWithFailuresSingleLogSegment has transient failureYang YeClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-428need to update leaderAndISR path in ZK conditionally in ReplicaManagerYang YeClosed
MajorNew FeatureKAFKA-429Expose JMX operation to set logger level dynamicallyUnassignedClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-431LogCorruptionTest.testMessageSizeTooLarge fails occasionallyUnassignedClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-433ensurePartitionLeaderOnThisBroker should not access ZKJun RaoClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-434IllegalMonitorStateException in ReplicaManager.makerFollowerJun RaoClosed
MajorTaskKAFKA-440Create a regression test framework for distributed environment testingJohn FungResolved
MajorBugKAFKA-452follower replica may need to backoff the fetching if leader is not ready yetUnassignedResolved
MajorBugKAFKA-453follower replica may need to backoff the fetching if leader is not ready yetUnassignedClosed
MajorSub-taskKAFKA-458remove errorcode from ByteBufferMessageSetSwapnil GhikeClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-459KafkaController.RequestSendThread can throw exception on broker socketYang YeClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-460ControllerChannelManager needs synchronization btw shutdown and add/remove brokerYang YeClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-461remove support for format for magic byte 0 in 0.8Swapnil GhikeClosed
MajorBugKAFKA-464KafkaController NPE in SessionExpireListenerYang YeClosed
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