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- HADOOP-14804
correct wrong parameters format order in core-default.xml - HADOOP-14557
Document HADOOP-8143 (Change distcp to have -pb on by default) - HADOOP-13920
add integration tests for shaded client based on use by Spark - HADOOP-14834
Remove original S3A output stream - HADOOP-14779
Refactor decryptEncryptedKey in KeyProviderCryptoExtension - HADOOP-14725
hadoop-aws parallel tests do not work under Windows - HADOOP-14726
Mark FileStatus::isDir as final - HADOOP-14754
TestCommonConfigurationFields failed: core-default.xml has 2 wasb properties missing in classes - HADOOP-14760
Add missing override to LoadBalancingKMSClientProvider - HADOOP-14680
Azure: IndexOutOfBoundsException in BlockBlobInputStream - HADOOP-14706
Adding a helper method to determine whether a log is Log4j implement - HADOOP-14678
AdlFilesystem#initialize swallows exception when getting user name - HADOOP-14414
Calling maven-site-plugin directly for docs profile is unnecessary - HADOOP-14420
generateReports property is not applicable for maven-site-plugin:attach-descriptor goal - HADOOP-14822
hadoop-project/pom.xml is executable - HADOOP-14608
KMS JMX servlet path not backwards compatible - HADOOP-14518
Customize User-Agent header sent in HTTP/HTTPS requests by WASB. - HADOOP-14343
Wrong pid file name in error message when starting secure daemon - HADOOP-14856
Fix AWS, Jetty, HBase, Ehcache entries for NOTICE.txt - HADOOP-14851
LambdaTestUtils.eventually() doesn't spin on Assertion failures - HADOOP-14853
hadoop-mapreduce-client-app is not a client module - HADOOP-14743
CompositeGroupsMapping should not swallow exceptions - HADOOP-14781
Clarify that HADOOP_CONF_DIR shouldn't actually be set in hadoop-env.sh - HADOOP-14769
WASB: delete recursive should not fail if a file is deleted - HADOOP-14729
Upgrade JUnit 3 test cases to JUnit 4 - HADOOP-14722
Azure: BlockBlobInputStream position incorrect after seek - HADOOP-14772
Audit-log delegation token related operations to the KMS - HADOOP-14719
Add StreamCapabilities support to WASB - HADOOP-14718
Add StreamCapabilities support to ADLS - HADOOP-14704
KafkaSink for metrics2 - HADOOP-14681
Remove MockitoMaker class - HADOOP-14705
Add batched interface reencryptEncryptedKeys to KMS - HADOOP-14677
mvn clean compile fails - HADOOP-14627
Support MSI and DeviceCode token provider in ADLS - HADOOP-14670
Increase minimum cmake version for all platforms - HADOOP-14438
Make ADLS doc of setting up client key up to date - HADOOP-14662
Update azure-storage sdk to version 5.4.0 - HADOOP-14660
wasb: improve throughput by 34% when account limit exceeded - HADOOP-14647
Update third-party libraries for Hadoop 3 - HADOOP-14656
Update xercesImpl version to 2.11.0 - HADOOP-14654
Update httpclient version to 4.5.3 - HADOOP-14638
Replace commons-logging APIs with slf4j in StreamPumper - HADOOP-14628
Upgrade maven enforcer plugin to 3.0.0-M1 - HADOOP-14194
Aliyun OSS should not use empty endpoint as default - HADOOP-14260
Configuration.dumpConfiguration should redact sensitive information - HADOOP-14229
hadoop.security.auth_to_local example is incorrect in the documentation - HADOOP-14220
Enhance S3GuardTool with bucket-info and set-capacity commands, tests - HADOOP-14213
Move Configuration runtime check for hadoop-site.xml to initialization - HADOOP-14355
Update maven-war-plugin to 3.1.0 - HADOOP-14398
Modify documents for the FileSystem Builder API
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