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- HADOOP-13233
help of stat is confusing - HADOOP-13601
Fix typo in a log messages of AbstractDelegationTokenSecretManager - HADOOP-14586
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException breaks org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell on 2.7.x with Java 9 - HADOOP-13804
MutableStat mean loses accuracy if add(long, long) is used - HADOOP-13839
Fix outdated tracing documentation - HADOOP-13541
explicitly declare the Joda time version S3A depends on - HADOOP-14169
Implement listStatusIterator, listLocatedStatus for ViewFs - HADOOP-14447
Backport HADOOP-13026 to branch 2.7 - HADOOP-14446
Backport HADOOP-7851 to branch 2.7 - HADOOP-14408
Backport to 2.7: HADOOP-12975 Add jitter to du thread - HADOOP-14371
License error in TestLoadBalancingKMSClientProvider.java - HADOOP-9631
ViewFs should use underlying FileSystem's server side defaults - HADOOP-10829
Iteration on CredentialProviderFactory.serviceLoader is thread-unsafe - HADOOP-13805
UGI.getCurrentUser() fails if user does not have a keytab associated - HADOOP-12173
NetworkTopology#add calls NetworkTopology#toString always - HADOOP-13782
Make MutableRates metrics thread-local write, aggregate-on-read - HADOOP-12858
Reduce UGI getGroups overhead - HADOOP-13655
document object store use with fs shell and distcp - HADOOP-13494
ReconfigurableBase can log sensitive information - HADOOP-12975
Add jitter to CachingGetSpaceUsed's thread - HADOOP-12765
HttpServer2 should switch to using the non-blocking SslSelectChannelConnector to prevent performance degradation when handling SSL connections - HADOOP-14782
Added sw_64 CPU architecture - HADOOP-14100
Upgrade Jsch jar to latest version to fix vulnerability in old versions - HADOOP-11780
Prevent IPC reader thread death - HADOOP-13026
Should not wrap IOExceptions into a AuthenticationException in KerberosAuthenticator - HADOOP-13657
IPC Reader thread could silently die and leave NameNode unresponsive - HADOOP-13512
ReloadingX509TrustManager should keep reloading in case of exception - HADOOP-14356
Update CHANGES.txt to reflect all the changes in branch-2.7 - HADOOP-14686
Branch-2.7 .gitignore is out of date - HADOOP-13812
Upgrade Tomcat to 6.0.48 - HADOOP-13362
DefaultMetricsSystem leaks the source name when a source unregisters - HADOOP-13670
Update CHANGES.txt to reflect all the changes in branch-2.7 - HADOOP-13579
Fix source-level compatibility after HADOOP-11252
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