We are releasing the alpha2 version of a major revision of YARN Timeline Service: v.2. YARN Timeline Service v.2 addresses two major challenges: improving scalability and reliability of Timeline Service, and enhancing usability by introducing flows and aggregation.
YARN Timeline Service v.2 alpha1 was introduced in 3.0.0-alpha1 via
YARN Timeline Service v.2 alpha2 is now being provided so that users and developers can test it and provide feedback and suggestions for making it a ready replacement for Timeline Service v.1.x. Security is provided via Kerberos Authentication and delegation tokens. There is also a simple read level authorization provided via whitelists.
Some of the notable improvements since alpha-1 are:
- Security via Kerberos Authentication and delegation tokens
- Read side simple authorization via whitelist
- Client configurable entity sort ordering
- New REST APIs for apps, app attempts, containers, fetching metrics by timerange, pagination, sub-app entities
- Support for storing sub-application entities (entities that exist outside the scope of an application)
- Configurable TTLs (time-to-live) for tables, configurable table prefixes, configurable hbase cluster
- Flow level aggregations done as dynamic (table level) coprocessors
- Uses latest stable HBase release 1.2.6
More details are available in the [YARN Timeline Service v.2](./hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/TimelineServiceV2.html) documentation.