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- HADOOP-12926
lz4.c does not detect 64-bit mode properly - HADOOP-12925
Checks for SPARC architecture need to include 64-bit SPARC - HADOOP-12727
Minor cleanups needed for CMake 3.X - HADOOP-12720
Misuse of sun.misc.Unsafe by org.apache.hadoop.io.FastByteComparisons$LexicographicalComparerHolder$UnsafeComparer.compareTo causes misaligned memory access coredumps - HADOOP-12630
Misuse of sun.misc.Unsafe by org.apache.hadoop.io.FastByteComparisons causes misaligned memory access coredumps - HADOOP-12629
Misaligned memory accesses in CRC32 native code causes coredumps - HADOOP-12583
Sundry symlink problems on Solaris - HADOOP-12581
ShellBasedIdMapping needs suport for Solaris - HADOOP-12580
Hadoop needs a SysInfo class for Solaris - HADOOP-12488
DomainSocket: Solaris does not support timeouts on AF_UNIX sockets - HADOOP-12487
Make DomainSocket.close() portable - HADOOP-12261
Surefire needs to make sure the JVMs it fires up fit within the memory available - HADOOP-12184
Remove unused Linux-specific constants in NativeIO - HADOOP-12170
hadoop-common's JNIFlags.cmake is redundant and can be removed - HADOOP-12112
Make hadoop-common-project Native code -Wall-clean - HADOOP-12104
Migrate Hadoop Pipes native build to new CMake framework - HADOOP-12036
Consolidate all of the cmake extensions in one directory - HADOOP-12012
Investigate JNI for improving byte array comparison performance - HADOOP-12008
Investigate providing SPARC hardware-accelerated CRC32 code - HADOOP-11997
CMake CMAKE_C_FLAGS are non-portable - HADOOP-11987
JNI build should use default cmake FindJNI.cmake - HADOOP-11986
Set up a nightly Jenkins build on Solaris. - HADOOP-11975
Native code needs to be built to match the 32/64 bitness of the JVM - HADOOP-11974
Fix FIONREAD #include on Solaris - HADOOP-11954
Solaris does not support RLIMIT_MEMLOCK as in Linux - HADOOP-11655
Native compilation fails on Solaris due to use of getgrouplist function. - HADOOP-11623
Native compilation fails on Solaris due to use of syscall function. - HADOOP-11127
Improve versioning and compatibility support in native library for downstream hadoop-common users. - HADOOP-7824
NativeIO.java flags and identifiers must be set correctly for each platform, not hardcoded to their Linux values
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