Version 2.5.0


Start date not set

Released: 04/Aug/13

Release Notes

CriticalBugSHINDIG-1872Upgrade to caja r5054Paul LindnerResolved
MajorBugSHINDIG-272Hard coded paths cause problems when deploying shindig to Java EE containerUnassignedResolved
MajorNew FeatureSHINDIG-1403Mobile View Support for OpenSocial 1.1 ProposalUnassignedResolved
MajorNew FeatureSHINDIG-1416WAP device support for OpenSocial 1.1 ProposalUnassignedResolved
MajorImprovementSHINDIG-1523allow localizable params in feature specificationUnassignedResolved
MajorBugSHINDIG-1588Variable substitution should support EL syntaxUnassignedResolved
MajorBugSHINDIG-1702Deprecate opensocial-reference featureRyan BaxterResolved
MajorBugSHINDIG-1775oauth_body_hash URL parameter added to all token requestsAdam ClarkeClosed
MajorNew FeatureSHINDIG-1779Make RestfulCollection object to be backed by a map with the put and get methods exposedUnassignedClosed
MajorBugSHINDIG-1782Request specifying no-cache is not fully supportedUnassignedResolved
MajorNew FeatureSHINDIG-1783Update Caja integrationUnassignedResolved
MajorBugSHINDIG-1799system.listMethods fails if shindig.allowUnauthenticated = falseUnassignedResolved
MajorBugSHINDIG-1802We handle invalid EE data model target types incorrectly in the EE container codeRyan BaxterResolved
MajorImprovementSHINDIG-1805Better error handling around container token refreshes.Dan DumontResolved
MajorBugSHINDIG-1807Fix the JsonUtil to also consider methods start with is as accessor to propertiesHenry SaputraResolved
MajorImprovementSHINDIG-1814Unserializable cache keysUnassignedResolved
MajorBugSHINDIG-1835gadget iframe accessibility fixesUnassignedClosed
MajorImprovementSHINDIG-1837Allow containers to exclude JSONP accessUnassignedResolved
MajorBugSHINDIG-1863Shindig should support Container to force the st on all gadget requests and to be refreshed due to a change it knows aboutUnassignedResolved
MajorImprovementSHINDIG-1866Improve servicability of the MakeRequest servlet handling classesUnassignedResolved
MajorBugSHINDIG-1867AllJsIFrameVersioner causes large memory allocationUnassignedResolved
MajorBugSHINDIG-1875Include file name on proxy URL because IE8 does not respect Content-DispositionUnassignedResolved
MajorBugSHINDIG-1878Discrepancy between OpenSocial spec 2.5 and Shindig UnassignedResolved
MajorBugSHINDIG-1884open social feature config path hardcoded the http schemeUnassignedResolved
MajorBugSHINDIG-1900Embedded experience navigate API does not allow for double bufferingRyan BaxterResolved
MajorBugSHINDIG-1906shindig atom API enhancementsUnassignedResolved
MajorTaskSHINDIG-1917Remove Java sample module from source control for final Shindig 2.5.0 releaseHenry SaputraResolved
MajorTaskSHINDIG-1919Remove reference to Java/samples from Shindig site.Henry SaputraResolved
MajorBugSHINDIG-1920Don't force cache time-to-lives on responses with an error statusStanton SieversResolved
MajorBugSHINDIG-1922Pubsub gadgets fail to render in commoncontainerRyan BaxterResolved
MinorNew FeatureSHINDIG-729OpenSocial 0.9 [work in progress] TODOsUnassignedResolved
MinorNew FeatureSHINDIG-1482Create Shindig Maven ArchetypeUnassignedResolved
MinorImprovementSHINDIG-1490Added gadget views and few other features to the common test containerHan Thi Ngoc NguyenReopened
MinorNew FeatureSHINDIG-1576Add handler to parse the ExternalServices tag as part of OpenSocial 2.0 specHenry SaputraResolved
MinorBugSHINDIG-1613Gadget URI value incorrect on rewritten URLs and on Gadget blacklist callUnassignedResolved
MinorBugSHINDIG-1640The sample Media.xml gadget does not support multiple instances in IE8UnassignedReopened
MinorImprovementSHINDIG-1785Improvements to shindig messagesUnassignedResolved
MinorImprovementSHINDIG-1833gadget_holder.js file format cause the apply patch process brokenUnassignedResolved
MinorBugSHINDIG-1861Some features need to take advantage of all tags to avoid reading js files multiple timesRyan BaxterResolved
MinorBugSHINDIG-1877FeatureRegistry can't handle dependency loop correctly.UnassignedResolved
MinorBugSHINDIG-1894ProxyHandler does not forward User-AgentStanton SieversResolved
MinorImprovementSHINDIG-1905DefaultRequestPipeline should attempt conditional gets for stale, cached responsesStanton SieversResolved
MinorImprovementSHINDIG-1912Allow EhCache DiskStore location to be easily configurableStanton SieversResolved
MinorImprovementSHINDIG-1913The Sample Archetype should have the most recent Shindig dependenciesStanton SieversResolved
MinorImprovementSHINDIG-1916Application Data to handle Objects instead of StringsUnassignedResolved
MinorImprovementSHINDIG-1918Improved dynamic sizing on IE9+Mathew MannionResolved
TrivialBugSHINDIG-1828Adding IDs to form elements in login.jsp and authorize.jspMichael MayResolved
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