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  1. HBase
  2. HBASE-14790

Implement a new DFSOutputStream for logging WAL only

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    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 2.0.0-beta-1, 2.0.0
    • wal
    • None
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      Implement a FanOutOneBlockAsyncDFSOutput for writing WAL only, the WAL provider which uses this class is AsyncFSWALProvider.

      It is based on netty, and will write to 3 DNs at the same time concurrently(fan-out) so generally it will lead to a lower latency. And it is also fail-fast, the stream will become unwritable immediately after there are any read/write errors, no pipeline recovery. You need to call recoverLease to force close the output for this case. And it only supports to write a file with a single block. For WAL this is a good behavior as we can always open a new file when the old one is broken. The performance analysis in HBASE-16890 shows that it has a better performance.

      Behavior changes:
      1. As now we write to 3 DNs concurrently, according to the visibility guarantee of HDFS, the data will be available immediately when arriving at DN since all the DNs will be considered as the last one in pipeline. This means replication may read uncommitted data and replicate it to the remote cluster and cause data inconsistency. HBASE-14004 is used to solve the problem.
      2. There will be no sync failure. When the output is broken, we will open a new file and write all the unacked wal entries to the new file. This means that we may have duplicated entries in wal files. HBASE-14949 is used to solve this problem.
      Implement a FanOutOneBlockAsyncDFSOutput for writing WAL only, the WAL provider which uses this class is AsyncFSWALProvider. It is based on netty, and will write to 3 DNs at the same time concurrently(fan-out) so generally it will lead to a lower latency. And it is also fail-fast, the stream will become unwritable immediately after there are any read/write errors, no pipeline recovery. You need to call recoverLease to force close the output for this case. And it only supports to write a file with a single block. For WAL this is a good behavior as we can always open a new file when the old one is broken. The performance analysis in HBASE-16890 shows that it has a better performance. Behavior changes: 1. As now we write to 3 DNs concurrently, according to the visibility guarantee of HDFS, the data will be available immediately when arriving at DN since all the DNs will be considered as the last one in pipeline. This means replication may read uncommitted data and replicate it to the remote cluster and cause data inconsistency. HBASE-14004 is used to solve the problem. 2. There will be no sync failure. When the output is broken, we will open a new file and write all the unacked wal entries to the new file. This means that we may have duplicated entries in wal files. HBASE-14949 is used to solve this problem.


      The original DFSOutputStream is very powerful and aims to serve all purposes. But in fact, we do not need most of the features if we only want to log WAL. For example, we do not need pipeline recovery since we could just close the old logger and open a new one. And also, we do not need to write multiple blocks since we could also open a new logger if the old file is too large.

      And the most important thing is that, it is hard to handle all the corner cases to avoid data loss or data inconsistency(such as HBASE-14004) when using original DFSOutputStream due to its complicated logic. And the complicated logic also force us to use some magical tricks to increase performance. For example, we need to use multiple threads to call hflush when logging, and now we use 5 threads. But why 5 not 10 or 100?

      So here, I propose we should implement our own DFSOutputStream when logging WAL. For correctness, and also for performance.


        Issue Links

        Resolve name conflict when splitting if there are duplicated WAL entries Sub-task Closed Duo Zhang Actions
        Implement a fan out HDFS OutputStream Sub-task Closed Duo Zhang Actions
        Implement an asynchronous FSHLog Sub-task Closed Duo Zhang Actions
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        Make AsyncFSWAL as our default WAL Sub-task Closed Duo Zhang Actions
        Make multi WAL work with WALs other than FSHLog Sub-task Closed Duo Zhang Actions
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        Implement an AsyncOutputStream which can work with any FileSystem implementation Sub-task Closed Duo Zhang Actions
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        Add Transparent Data Encryption support for FanOutOneBlockAsyncDFSOutput Sub-task Closed Duo Zhang Actions
        Add testcase for AES encryption Sub-task Closed Duo Zhang Actions
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        Analyze the performance of AsyncWAL and fix the same Sub-task Closed ramkrishna.s.vasudevan Actions
        Try copying to the Netty ByteBuf directly from the WALEdit Sub-task Closed Duo Zhang Actions
        Refactor FanOutOneBlockAsyncDFSOutput Sub-task Closed Duo Zhang Actions
        Use RingBuffer to reduce the contention in AsyncFSWAL Sub-task Closed Duo Zhang Actions
        Check why we roll a wal writer at 10MB when the configured roll size is 120M+ with AsyncFSWAL Sub-task Closed Duo Zhang Actions
        Calcuate suitable ByteBuf size when allocating send buffer in FanOutOneBlockAsyncDFSOutput Sub-task Closed ramkrishna.s.vasudevan Actions
        Do not issue sync request when there are still entries in ringbuffer Sub-task Closed Duo Zhang Actions
        Remove LogRollerExitedChecker Sub-task Closed Duo Zhang Actions
        AsyncFSWAL may issue unnecessary AsyncDFSOutput.sync Sub-task Closed Duo Zhang Actions
        improve asyncWAL by using Independent thread for netty #IO in FanOutOneBlockAsyncDFSOutput Sub-task Closed Duo Zhang Actions
        Use EventLoopGroup to create AsyncFSOutput Sub-task Closed Duo Zhang Actions
        Add note for operators to refguide on AsyncFSWAL Sub-task Closed Michael Stack Actions


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            zhangduo Duo Zhang
            zhangduo Duo Zhang
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