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HttpDelete, HttpGet, HttpHead do not extend HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase - HTTPCLIENT-1774
Unable to pass Json body to HttpDelete - HTTPCLIENT-1710
OSGiRoutePlanner examines only the first proxy exception and also crashes processing IP address exception - HTTPCLIENT-1709
Delete obsolete clone method - HTTPCLIENT-1704
CookieSpecs.IGNORE_COOKIE policy CookieSpec#match returns true - HTTPCLIENT-1703
GET request should support body - HTTPCLIENT-1701
Building.txt mentions Java6+ but project requires Java7 - HTTPCLIENT-1698
Hostname verification fails when using URL with literal IPv6 address - HTTPCLIENT-1696
Add convenience methods to fluent API class Request - HTTPCLIENT-1695
RFC6265Spec shouldn't throw exception on empty cookie name - HTTPCLIENT-1680
307 redirect throws ClientProtocolException using POST method - HTTPCLIENT-1679
Update EHCache from 2.6.9 to 2.6.11 - HTTPCLIENT-1678
Update spymemcached from 2.11.4 to 2.12.0 - HTTPCLIENT-1677
Update Apache Commons Codec from 1.9 to 1.10. - HTTPCLIENT-1674
Invalid project url in pom.xml - HTTPCLIENT-1671
RequestDefaultHeaders should only be set if the header hasn't already been set - HTTPCLIENT-1668
connectTimeout used as socketTimeout in Request - HTTPCLIENT-1667
RequestBuilder ignores Charset - HTTPCLIENT-1662
NTLM auth failed because NTLMEngineImpl strip domain to base domain name - HTTPCLIENT-1654
Deprecate/remove RequestConfig#decompressionEnabled in favor of #contentCompressionEnabled - HTTPCLIENT-1651
Add ability to disable content compression on a request basis - HTTPCLIENT-1650
Fluent Executor doesn't inherit auth scheme and creds provider of HttpClient instance - HTTPCLIENT-1489
Multiple, comma-separated challenges in WWW-Authenticate are not recognized - HTTPCLIENT-1468
Remove unneccessary throws UnsupportedEncodingException - HTTPCLIENT-1106
Use character arrays for passwords in Credentials objects, not Strings
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