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- HIVE-6123
Implement checkstyle in maven - HIVE-5967
generate eclipse settings files that comply with hive code convention - HIVE-5966
Fix eclipse:eclipse post shim aggregation changes - HIVE-5915
Shade Kryo dependency - HIVE-5914
PTest2 should support build-only args - HIVE-5897
Fix hadoop2 execution environment Milestone 2 - HIVE-5880
Rename HCatalog HBase Storage Handler artifact id - HIVE-5842
Fix issues with new paths to jar in hcatalog - HIVE-5833
Remove versions from child module dependencies - HIVE-5755
Fix hadoop2 execution environment Milestone 1 - HIVE-5752
log4j properties appear to have been lost in maven upgrade - HIVE-5741
Fix binary packaging build eg include hcatalog, resolve pom issues - HIVE-5740
Tar files should extract to the directory of the same name minus tar.gz - HIVE-5739
Cleanup transitive dependencies - HIVE-5720
Create something like ant testreport - HIVE-5717
Generate javadoc and source jars - HIVE-5716
Fix broken tests after maven merge (1) - HIVE-5714
Separate reactor root or aggregator from parent pom - HIVE-5713
Verify versions of libraries post maven merge - HIVE-5711
Fix eclipse:eclipse maven goal - HIVE-5675
Ensure all artifacts are prefixed with hive- - HIVE-5674
Merge latest trunk into branch and fix resulting tests - HIVE-5673
Create profile to generate protobuf - HIVE-5624
Create script for removing ant artifacts after merge - HIVE-5616
fix saveVersion.sh to work on mac - HIVE-5612
Ability to compile odbc and re-generate generated code stored in source control - HIVE-5611
Add assembly (i.e.) tar creation to pom - HIVE-5610
Merge maven branch into trunk - HIVE-5600
Fix PTest2 Maven support - HIVE-5566
Milestone 6: All tests pass under hadoop 1 - HIVE-5435
Milestone 5: PTest2 maven support - HIVE-5371
Root pom is malformed - HIVE-5335
Milestone 4: Most tests pass under maven - HIVE-5334
Milestone 3: Some tests pass under maven - HIVE-5333
Milestone 2: Generate tests under maven - HIVE-5332
Milestone 1: Compile source code under maven - HIVE-5331
Create maven branch
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