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- HDFS-6249
Output AclEntry in PBImageXmlWriter - HDFS-6240
WebImageViewer returns 404 if LISTSTATUS to an empty directory - HDFS-6210
Support GETACLSTATUS operation in WebImageViewer - HDFS-6173
Move the default processor from Ls to Web in OfflineImageViewer - HDFS-6172
Fix the usage of OfflineImageViewer - HDFS-6171
Move OfflineImageViewer -o option into optional parameters - HDFS-6170
Support GETFILESTATUS operation in WebImageViewer - HDFS-6169
Move the address in WebImageViewer - HDFS-6164
Remove lsr in OfflineImageViewer - HDFS-5990
Create options to search files/dirs in OfflineImageViewer - HDFS-5978
Create a tool to take fsimage and expose read-only WebHDFS API - HDFS-5975
Create an option to specify a file path for OfflineImageViewer - HDFS-5956
A file size is multiplied by the replication factor in 'hdfs oiv -p FileDistribution' option - HDFS-5942
Fix javadoc in OfflineImageViewer - HDFS-5867
Clean up the output of NameDistribution processor - HDFS-5866
'-maxSize' and '-step' option fail in OfflineImageViewer - HDFS-5865
Update OfflineImageViewer document - HDFS-5864
Missing '\n' in the output of 'hdfs oiv --help'
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