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- HDDS-11471
Add new tests for container scanner detecting multiple errors in one container - HDDS-11345
Add metrics specific to reconciliation tasks - HDDS-11290
Container scanner should keep scanning after non-fatal errors - HDDS-11254
Reconcile commands should be handled by datanode ReplicationSupervisor - HDDS-11253
Handle corrupted merkle tree files - HDDS-11218
Combine datanode clients for reconciliation and EC reconstruction - HDDS-11217
Use zero-copy for readMerkleTree API - HDDS-11207
Allow reconciliation and scanner to move replicas out of the UNHEALTHY state - HDDS-11077
Optimize checksum calculations in container merkle tree - HDDS-10930
Handle backwards compatibility for containers created before reconciliation - HDDS-10929
Coordinate container reconciliation with container deletion and replication - HDDS-10928
Implement container comparison and repair logic within datanodes - HDDS-10926
Block deletion should update container merkle tree - HDDS-10923
Container Scanner should still scan unhealthy containers - HDDS-10887
Implement a basic Merkle Tree Manager - HDDS-10760
SCMExceptions resulting from admin CLI commands are treated as retriable - HDDS-10759
Consider allowing reconciliation when not all replicas have reached closed state - HDDS-10757
Basic SCM co-ordination - HDDS-10714
Restrict reconciliation requests by datanode status - HDDS-10450
Add GitHub actions labeler for the reconciliation feature branch - HDDS-10379
Datanodes should generate initial container merkle tree during container close - HDDS-10378
Extend container repair capabilities to the block level - HDDS-10377
Allow datanodes to do chunk level modifications to closed containers - HDDS-10376
Add a Datanode API to supply a merkle tree for a given container - HDDS-10375
Datanode reports Merkel Tree container summary to SCM during heartbeats - HDDS-10374
Make container scanner generate merkle trees during the scan - HDDS-10373
Implement framework for capturing Merkle Tree Metrics - HDDS-10372
SCM and Datanode communication for reconciliation
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