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- HADOOP-16860
Prune -tombstones to remove children entries - HADOOP-16697
audit/tune s3a authoritative flag in s3guard DDB Table - HADOOP-16684
s3guard bucket info to list a bit more about authoritative paths - HADOOP-16642
ITestDynamoDBMetadataStoreScale fails when throttled. - HADOOP-16576
ITestS3GuardDDBRootOperations. test_100_FilesystemPrune failure - HADOOP-16565
Region must be provided when requesting session credentials or SdkClientException will be thrown - HADOOP-16547
s3guard prune command doesn't get AWS auth chain from FS - HADOOP-16520
Race condition in DDB table init and waiting threads - HADOOP-16501
s3guard auth path checks only check against unqualified source path - HADOOP-16490
Avoid/handle cached 404s during S3A file creation - HADOOP-16489
S3Guard operations log has tombstone/PUT swapped - HADOOP-16484
S3A to warn or fail if S3Guard is disabled - HADOOP-16481
ITestS3GuardDDBRootOperations.test_300_MetastorePrune needs to set region - HADOOP-16474
S3Guard ProgressiveRenameTracker to mark dest dir as authoritative on success - HADOOP-16472
findbugs warning on LocalMetadataStore.ttlTimeProvider sync - HADOOP-16464
S3Guard in auth mode doesn't raise AccessDeniedException on read of 0-byte file - HADOOP-16433
S3Guard: Filter expired entries and tombstones when listing with MetadataStore#listChildren - HADOOP-16430
S3AFilesystem.delete to incrementally update s3guard with deletions - HADOOP-16429
DynamoDBMetaStore deleteSubtree to delete leaf nodes first - HADOOP-16421
ITestS3GuardOutOfBandOperations.deleteAfterTombstoneExpiryOobCreate failure - HADOOP-16419
Transient failure of ITestS3ARemoteFileChanged - HADOOP-16416
mark DynamoDBMetadataStore.deleteTrackingValueMap as final - HADOOP-16406
ITestDynamoDBMetadataStore.testProvisionTable times out intermittently - HADOOP-16397
Hadoop S3Guard Prune command to support a -tombstone option. - HADOOP-16392
S3Guard Diff tool to list+ compare the etag and version fields - HADOOP-16384
S3A: Avoid inconsistencies between DDB and S3 - HADOOP-16383
Pass ITtlTimeProvider instance in initialize method in MetadataStore interface - HADOOP-16380
S3A tombstones can confuse empty directory status - HADOOP-16375
ITestS3AMetadataPersistenceException failure - HADOOP-16368
S3A list operation doesn't pick up etags from results - HADOOP-16364
S3Guard table destroy to map IllegalArgumentExceptions to IOEs - HADOOP-16363
S3Guard DDB store prune() doesn't translate AWS exceptions to IOEs - HADOOP-16349
DynamoDBMetadataStore.getVersionMarkerItem() to log at info/warn on retry - HADOOP-16329
"Wrong Billing mode" test failure in ITestS3GuardToolDynamoDB - HADOOP-16326
S3Guard: Remove LocalMetadataStore - HADOOP-16280
S3Guard: Retry failed read with backoff in Authoritative mode when file can be opened - HADOOP-16279
S3Guard: Implement time-based (TTL) expiry for entries (and tombstones) - HADOOP-16274
transient failure of ITestS3GuardToolDynamoDB.testDestroyUnknownTable - HADOOP-16252
Use configurable dynamo table name prefix in S3Guard tests - HADOOP-16250
Add a way to declare a toplevel path in a non-auth FS as auth - HADOOP-16221
S3Guard: fail write that doesn't update metadata store - HADOOP-16187
ITestS3GuardToolDynamoDB test failures - HADOOP-16186
S3Guard: NPE in DynamoDBMetadataStore.lambda$listChildren - HADOOP-16184
S3Guard: Handle OOB deletions and creation of a file which has a tombstone marker - HADOOP-16118
S3Guard to support on-demand DDB tables - HADOOP-16085
S3Guard: use object version or etags to protect against inconsistent read after replace/overwrite - HADOOP-16057
IndexOutOfBoundsException in ITestS3GuardToolLocal - HADOOP-15999
S3Guard: Better support for out-of-band operations - HADOOP-15988
Should be able to set empty directory flag to TRUE in DynamoDBMetadataStore#innerGet when using authoritative directory listings - HADOOP-15987
ITestDynamoDBMetadataStore should check if test ddb table set properly before initializing the test
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