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- CALCITE-3813
Support hint option key as string literal - CALCITE-3812
Refactor HintStrategy to HintPredicate - CALCITE-3781
HintStrategy can specify excluded rules for planner - CALCITE-3766
Add a Builder to RelHint - CALCITE-3736
Add an interface in RelOptRuleCall to customize the propagation of hints before registering into planner rule - CALCITE-3730
Add hints to RelBuilder - CALCITE-3723
Following the change to add hints to RelNode, deprecate the old constructors - CALCITE-3719
Add hint option checker to customize the option validation - CALCITE-3715
Add an interface to pass the table hints to RelOptTable - CALCITE-3649
Hints should be propagated correctly in planner rules if original node is transformed to different kind - CALCITE-3638
Reduce ambiguous hint strategies - CALCITE-3636
Support Hint for Sort - CALCITE-3635
Supports hint option as string or numeric literal - CALCITE-3631
Support SQL hints for Calc - CALCITE-3594
Support hot Groupby keys hint - CALCITE-3590
Support SQL hints for Aggregate - CALCITE-3584
Propagate hints when decorrelating a query - CALCITE-3527
Enrich tests for SQL hints in SqlHintsConverterTest - CALCITE-3523
Strengthen the java doc and code of class RelHint and SqlHint
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