I found serious problems with datanucleus code when using JDK7, resulting in some sort of exception being thrown when datanucleus code is entered.
I tried source=1.7, target=1.7 with JDK7 as well as source=1.6, target=1.6 with JDK7 and there was no visible difference in that the same unit tests failed.
I tried upgrading datanucleus to 3.0.1, as per HIVE-2084.patch, which did not fix the failing tests.
I tried upgrading datanucleus to 3.1-release, as per the advise of, which suggests using ASMv4 will allow datanucleus to work with JDK7. I was not successful with this either.
I tried upgrading datanucleus to 3.1.2. I was not successful with this either.
Regarding datanucleus support for JDK7+, there is the following JIRA
which suggests that they don't plan to actively support JDK7+ bytecode any time soon.
I also tested the following JVM parameters found on
with no success either.
This will become a more serious problem as people move to newer JVMs. If there are other who have solved this issue, please post how this was done. Otherwise, it is a topic that I would like to raise for discussion.
Test Properties:
Issue Links
- breaks
HIVE-5218 datanucleus does not work with MS SQLServer in Hive metastore
- Resolved
HIVE-4942 Fix eclipse template files to use correct datanucleus libs
- Closed
- is blocked by
HIVE-4900 Fix the mismatched column names in package.jdo
- Closed
- is depended upon by
HIVE-4583 Make Hive compile and run with JDK7
- Resolved
- is related to
HIVE-2609 NPE when pruning partitions by thrift method get_partitions_by_filter
- Open
HIVE-2084 Upgrade datanucleus from 2.0.3 to a more recent version (3.?)
- Closed