Space Quota: Compaction is not working for super user. Compaction command is issued successfully at client but actually compaction is not happening.
In debug log below message is printed:
as an active space quota violation policy disallows compaction.
Actually in requestCompactionInternal method of CompactSplit class ,there is no check for super user and compcations are disallowed
RegionServerSpaceQuotaManager spaceQuotaManager = this.server.getRegionServerSpaceQuotaManager(); if (spaceQuotaManager != null && spaceQuotaManager.areCompactionsDisabled(region.getTableDescriptor().getTableName())) { String reason = "Ignoring compaction request for " + region + " as an active space quota violation " + " policy disallows compactions."; tracker.notExecuted(store, reason); completeTracker.completed(store); LOG.debug(reason); return; }