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  1. Hadoop Common
  2. HADOOP-13382

remove unneeded commons-httpclient dependencies from POM files in Hadoop and sub-projects

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    • Improvement
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 2.8.0
    • 2.8.0, 3.0.0-alpha1
    • build
    • None
    • Incompatible change, Reviewed
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      Dependencies on commons-httpclient have been removed. Projects with undeclared transitive dependencies on commons-httpclient, previously provided via hadoop-common or hadoop-client, may find this to be an incompatible change. Such project are also potentially exposed to the commons-httpclient CVE, and should be fixed for that reason as well.
      Dependencies on commons-httpclient have been removed. Projects with undeclared transitive dependencies on commons-httpclient, previously provided via hadoop-common or hadoop-client, may find this to be an incompatible change. Such project are also potentially exposed to the commons-httpclient CVE, and should be fixed for that reason as well.


      In branch-2.8 and later, the patches for various child and related bugs listed in HADOOP-10105, most recently including HADOOP-11613, HADOOP-12710, HADOOP-12711, HADOOP-12552, and HDFS-10623, eliminate all use of "commons-httpclient" from Hadoop and its sub-projects (except for hadoop-tools/hadoop-openstack; see HADOOP-11614).

      However, after incorporating these patches, "commons-httpclient" is still listed as a dependency in these POM files:

      • hadoop-project/pom.xml
      • hadoop-yarn-project/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-registry/pom.xml

      We wish to remove these, but since commons-httpclient is still used in many files in hadoop-tools/hadoop-openstack, we'll need to add the dependency to

      • hadoop-tools/hadoop-openstack/pom.xml
        (We'll add a note to HADOOP-11614 to undo this when commons-httpclient is removed from hadoop-openstack.)
        In 2.8, this was mostly done by HADOOP-12552, but the version info formerly inherited from hadoop-project/pom.xml also needs to be added, so that is in the branch-2.8 version of the patch.

      Other projects with undeclared transitive dependencies on commons-httpclient, previously provided via hadoop-common or hadoop-client, may find this to be an incompatible change. Of course that also means such project is exposed to the commons-httpclient CVE, and needs to be fixed for that reason as well.



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