Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
As discussed in the mailing list, we’d like to introduce Apache Kerby into Hadoop. Initially it’s good to start with upgrading Hadoop MiniKDC with Kerby offerings. Apache Kerby (, as an Apache Directory sub project, is a Java Kerberos binding. It provides a SimpleKDC server that borrowed ideas from MiniKDC and implemented all the facilities existing in MiniKDC. Currently MiniKDC depends on the old Kerberos implementation in Directory Server project, but the implementation is stopped being maintained. Directory community has a plan to replace the implementation using Kerby. MiniKDC can use Kerby SimpleKDC directly to avoid depending on the full of Directory project. Kerby also provides nice identity backends such as the lightweight memory based one and the very simple json one for easy development and test environments.
Issue Links
- contains
HADOOP-14426 Upgrade Kerby version from 1.0.0-RC2 to 1.0.0
- Resolved
HADOOP-13220 Follow on fixups after upgraded mini-kdc using Kerby
- Resolved
- is blocked by
HADOOP-12687 SecureUtil#getByName should also try to resolve direct hostname, incase multiple loopback addresses are present in /etc/hosts
- Reopened
- is related to
SPARK-29957 Reset MiniKDC's default enctypes to fit jdk8/jdk11
- Resolved
HBASE-27564 Add default encryption type for MiniKDC to fix failed tests on JDK11+
- Resolved
HADOOP-9848 Create a MiniKDC for use with security testing
- Closed
- is required by
HADOOP-13013 Introduce Apache Kerby into Hadoop
- Open
HADOOP-13027 Add unit test for MiniKDC to issue tickets for >1 persons in the same instance
- Open
- relates to
HDFS-10212 HDFS: Upgrade Hadoop MiniKDC with Kerby
- Resolved
YARN-4867 YARN: Upgrade Hadoop MiniKDC with Kerby
- Resolved