

    • Sub-task
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 3.0.0-alpha2
    • build
    • None
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      The `hadoop-client` Maven artifact available in 2.x releases pulls
      Hadoop's transitive dependencies onto a Hadoop application's classpath.
      This can be problematic if the versions of these transitive dependencies
      conflict with the versions used by the application.

      HADOOP-11804 adds new `hadoop-client-api` and
      `hadoop-client-runtime` artifacts that shade Hadoop's dependencies
      into a single jar. This avoids leaking Hadoop's dependencies onto the
      application's classpath.
      The `hadoop-client` Maven artifact available in 2.x releases pulls Hadoop's transitive dependencies onto a Hadoop application's classpath. This can be problematic if the versions of these transitive dependencies conflict with the versions used by the application. HADOOP-11804 adds new `hadoop-client-api` and `hadoop-client-runtime` artifacts that shade Hadoop's dependencies into a single jar. This avoids leaking Hadoop's dependencies onto the application's classpath.


      make a hadoop-client-api and hadoop-client-runtime that i.e. HBase can use to talk with a Hadoop cluster without seeing any of the implementation dependencies.

      see proposal on parent for details.


        1. HADOOP-11804.1.patch
          76 kB
          Sean Busbey
        2. HADOOP-11804.2.patch
          76 kB
          Sean Busbey
        3. HADOOP-11804.3.patch
          82 kB
          Sean Busbey
        4. HADOOP-11804.4.patch
          86 kB
          Sean Busbey
        5. HADOOP-11804.5.patch
          91 kB
          Sean Busbey
        6. HADOOP-11804.6.patch
          96 kB
          Sean Busbey
        7. HADOOP-11804.7.patch
          139 kB
          Sean Busbey
        8. HADOOP-11804.8.patch
          103 kB
          Sean Busbey
        9. HADOOP-11804.9.patch
          103 kB
          Sean Busbey
        10. hadoop-11804-client-test.tar.gz
          1 kB
          Sean Busbey
        11. HADOOP-11804.10.patch
          102 kB
          Sean Busbey
        12. HADOOP-11804.11.patch
          121 kB
          Sean Busbey
        13. HADOOP-11804.12.patch
          120 kB
          Sean Busbey
        14. HADOOP-11804.13.patch
          121 kB
          Sean Busbey
        15. HADOOP-11804.14.patch
          122 kB
          Sean Busbey

        Issue Links



              busbey Sean Busbey
              busbey Sean Busbey
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              39 Start watching this issue

