Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Patch Available
A relatively common piece of logic in a database application is to check for a row's existence and then either update or insert depending on its existence.
SQL:2003 added a MERGE statement to perform this operation. It looks like this:
MERGE INTO table_name USING table_name ON (condition)
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET column1 = value1 [, column2 = value2 ...]
WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT column1 [, column2 ...] VALUES (value1 [, value2 ...])
At the moment, the only workaround for this would be to write a stored procedure to do the same operation, or to implement the logic client-side.
Issue Links
- is related to
DERBY-6011 Derby performs very badly (seems to deadlock and timeout) in very simple multi-threaded tests
- Closed
DERBY-6414 Incorrect handling when using an UPDATE to SET an identity column to DEFAULT
- Closed
DERBY-6429 Privilege checks for UPDATE statements are wrong.
- Closed
DERBY-6652 Compilation error using a view as the source data set for a MERGE statement
- Closed
DERBY-6428 Adding an update trigger to a table causes Derby to require overbroad update privileges
- Open
DERBY-6522 Make LOB handling by MERGE statement more efficient.
- Open
DERBY-6656 Re-enable views as the source data sets of MERGE statements
- Open
DERBY-6723 Allow derived table as a source in MERGE statement
- Open
DERBY-6460 Allow subqueries in the WHEN [ NOT ] MATCHED clauses of MERGE statements.
- Open
DERBY-6474 Add support for synonyms in MERGE statements
- Open
DERBY-6476 Allow derived column lists in MERGE statements.
- Open
DERBY-6526 Document the MERGE statement
- Closed
- relates to
DERBY-6689 Assert failure/NPE when using ROW_NUMBER in MERGE ... INSERT
- Closed