Version NG alpha 2


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Released: 07/Nov/11

Release Notes

Flume NG alpha 2Show more
BlockerNew FeatureFLUME-775Support text outputPrasad Suresh MujumdarClosed
BlockerBugFLUME-817JdbcChannel can not be created by DefaultChannelFactoryArvind PrabhakarClosed
BlockerBugFLUME-822JDBC channel lock acquisition failure during take()Arvind PrabhakarClosed
BlockerBugFLUME-827Avro client conn failure results in 60-second wait before terminatingEric SammerClosed
BlockerTaskFLUME-866Remove old plugins and log4j appenderEric SammerClosed
CriticalBugFLUME-773ExecSource doesn't rollback transactions on errorsPrasad Suresh MujumdarClosed
MajorBugFLUME-805HDFS sink should mangle the names of incomplete files till they are closedPrasad Suresh MujumdarClosed
MajorTaskFLUME-812Enable Apache RAT checks during Maven buildEric SammerClosed
MajorNew FeatureFLUME-814Add support for multiple channels to sourcesPrasad Suresh MujumdarClosed
MajorBugFLUME-815Test json config file has missing bind propertyEric SammerClosed
MajorBugFLUME-816TestJdbcChannelProvider throws OOME based on RNG valuesArvind PrabhakarClosed
MajorImprovementFLUME-819JDBC channel plugin is not registered with Flume nodeEric SammerClosed
MajorImprovementFLUME-820JDBC channel should support capacity specification.Arvind PrabhakarClosed
MajorImprovementFLUME-821Derby schema handler should create the necessary indexes for fast lookups.Arvind PrabhakarClosed
MajorBugFLUME-823The properties configuration provider should fail if the configuration file is not foundArvind PrabhakarClosed
MajorBugFLUME-825Need to remove dependency on hadoop core from flume-ng-core projectEric SammerClosed
MajorImprovementFLUME-826Update libsPrasad Suresh MujumdarClosed
MajorBugFLUME-861AvroSource is failing on ClosedChannelExceptionEric SammerClosed
TrivialBugFLUME-818PropertiesFileConfigurationProvider doesn't properly log exceptionsEric SammerClosed
TrivialBugFLUME-848Typo is TestHDFSEventSink pathEric SammerClosed
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