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redo sandbox doc setup on websiteUIMA-1719
update copyright and pub dates to 2010UIMA-1691
change checkout to export in extract and build scriptsUIMA-1689
fix some miscompares between svn export and source-distributionUIMA-1687
correct top-level svn license/notice filesUIMA-1686
add licenses from some Sandbox projects to overall Sandbox licenseUIMA-1685
Sandbox licenses has uima-as licenses, but those are now moved out into a separate entityUIMA-1683
fix copyright notice in the NOTICE filesUIMA-1676
Regex: pear install.xml is missing 2 of the 3 jar filesUIMA-1663
All directories in UIMA distribution should be 755UIMA-1661
tag 2.3.0 release candidatesUIMA-1642
Regex rule file parameter should allow wildcard expressions when using the datapath to locate rule filesUIMA-1639
Fixed bugs which disabled compiled dicts, static dict attributesUIMA-1615
make build-from-sources workUIMA-1614
update 2.3.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT to drop the snapshot in prep for releaseUIMA-1613
run Rat consistently for all maven assembliesUIMA-1610
add a changeVersion build tool to handle changes needed in sandbox releaseUIMA-1609
binary assembly wrongly including FOP filesUIMA-1605
Fixed Findbugs issuesUIMA-1597
in sandbox common build, change needed to use assembly-bin instead of binUIMA-1596
fix sandbox build - use of <profile> for conditional not working for child projectsUIMA-1595
Change build of Sandbox RegExpr to use xmlbean maven plugin, and delete its lib dirUIMA-1594
make sandbox assembly build like base and uima-as buildsUIMA-1590
fix extractAndBuild scriptsUIMA-1589
CFE - add Readme describing how to regenerate the EMF generated filesUIMA-1587
replace stax jar with better licensed geronimo versionUIMA-1586
CFE - XMLBeans - use maven plugin to generate the parserUIMA-1585
Run RAT on projects, fix missing licenses, add RAT running to POM, document exclusionsUIMA-1583
Regularize Sandbox builds and assemblyUIMA-1582
SimpleServer ConfigTest failsUIMA-1577
Do pear packaging with dependencies included for CFEUIMA-1572
Lucas artifactId does not match folder name in svnUIMA-1571
FsVariables book_name should be FsVariablesUserGuide instead of fsVariablesUserGuideUIMA-1567
Maven build: add <prerequisites> to uimaj to specify minimum Maven release levelUIMA-1558
LuceneCASIndexerTest fails if the created LuceneCASIndexer procsess a CASUIMA-1557
LuceneCASIndexer.xml should be in src/test/resourcesUIMA-1556
The LucasCasIndexer should be an Analysis Engine and not a CasConsumerUIMA-1554
Fix CFE notice and license fileUIMA-1552
Lucas: does not compile with Java 1.5UIMA-1551
Lucas PearPackagingMavenPlugin PEAR classpath is incorrectUIMA-1550
Remove the uni-jena.de repository from lucas pomUIMA-1547
XML problems with simple server test casesUIMA-1546
Fix sandbox notice and license filesUIMA-1538
Common Build Step: build source Jars for java JarsUIMA-1537
License Notice Disclaimer copyingUIMA-1535
Lucas POM issuesUIMA-1533
Lucas generated test-sources jar missing license, notice, disclaimerUIMA-1530
Index naming is not unique in multithreaded scenariosUIMA-1529
Lucas depends on lucene 2.4.0, it should be lucene 2.4.1UIMA-1528
The documentation describes still the UEAStemmer, which was removed from the distribution
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