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- PLUTO-444
Filter chain is not implemented the right way - PLUTO-443
Add resource serving tests to testsuite for JSR-286 - PLUTO-442
Create a Testsuite for JSR-286 features - PLUTO-441
Redeploy of a portlet doesn't effect filter implementation - PLUTO-438
Rev 26. resource response content type handling - PLUTO-433
taglib - PLUTO-432
Buffer and ContentType - PLUTO-431
PortletUrl listener - PLUTO-430
Portlet Config changes - PLUTO-429
Refactoring. Elemenate multiple code in *ResponseImpl. Extract same code in new Superclass. - PLUTO-428
Refactoring ResponseImpl - PLUTO-425
Implementation of GetLifecyclePhase - PLUTO-424
Support for CCPPProfileService (with DummyImplementation) - PLUTO-423
PortletRequestDispatcher implementation for Spec Chapter 19 "Dispatching Requests to Servlets and JSPs" - PLUTO-421
PortletRequest.getParameterMap() must return an unmodifiable map (PLT.11.1.1) - PLUTO-418
Add support for container-runtime-options - PLUTO-415
Update from Spec rev 22 to 23 - PLUTO-401
Update from rev21 to rev22 - PLUTO-398
Update to Rev.21 - PLUTO-380
Update to Java TM Portlet Specification Version 2.0 Early Draft 2, Rev. 16 - PLUTO-377
setPortletMode in processEvent raises exception - PLUTO-374
The events a portlet can process/publish should be based on the elements in the deployment descriptor - PLUTO-372
Throw exception if event value is not based on the type defined in the deployment descriptor - PLUTO-371
Portlet Filter - PLUTO-368
Add portlet filter tests to testsuite for JSR-286 - PLUTO-367
Add public render parameters tests to testsuite for JSR-286 - PLUTO-366
Add eventing tests to testsuite for JSR-286 - PLUTO-365
Preference entry in DD is required in order to store prefs - PLUTO-364
Preference validator is always required - PLUTO-357
All testsuite preferences-related tests fail in 1.1-286-COMPATIBILITY branch - PLUTO-337
Add JAXB object payload delivering - PLUTO-308
This patch is for new deployment with JAXB instead of castor and the changes for the new API Revision from 8 to 11. - PLUTO-290
Driver config entries pointing to pluto without requirement for context path declarations - PLUTO-287
Portlet 2.0 API changes for Early Draft 2 Revision 8-11 - PLUTO-284
Refactoring of SharedRenderParameterProvider and EventProvider registration steps to support hot-deployment. - PLUTO-271
patch for public-render-parameter - PLUTO-267
Implementation of the new Eventing Model - PLUTO-266
Implementation of the new Portlet Object Model (Castor) - PLUTO-265
little patch for a bug in resource serving - PLUTO-264
pluto-portal-driver-config.xml does not validate against pluto-portal-driver-config.xsd - PLUTO-263
add Resource Serving - PLUTO-262
JSR-286 API implementation - PLUTO-260
JSR-286 API source code as of Sept 7, 2006
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