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  1. Pluto
  2. PLUTO-430

Portlet Config changes




      The getPublicRenderParameterNames,getPublishingEventQNames,getProcessingEventQNames and getSupportedLocales must return an enumeration which is empty, when there are no values to return.

      PLT.6.4 Public Render Parameter Names
      The getPublicRenderParameterNames method of the PortletConfig interface returns
      the public render parameter names found in the portlet definition in the deployment
      descriptor with the supported-public-render-parameter element or an empty
      enumeration if no public render parameters are defined for the current portlet definition.
      PLT.6.5 Publishing Event QNames
      The getPublishingEventQNames method of the PortletConfig interface returns the
      publishing event QNames found in the portlet definition in the deployment descriptor
      with the supported-publishing-event element or an empty enumeration if no
      publishing events are defined for the current portlet definition.
      PLT.6.6 Processing Event QNames
      The getProcessingEventQNames method of the PortletConfig interface returns the
      processing event QNames found in the portlet definition in the deployment descriptor
      with the supported-processing-event element or an empty enumeration if no
      processing events are defined for the current portlet definition.
      PLT.6.7 Supported Locales
      The getSupportedLocales method of the PortletConfig interface returns the
      supported locales found in the portlet definition in the deployment descriptor with the
      supported-locale element or an empty enumeration if no supported locales are defined
      for the current portlet definition.


        1. PortletConfig_090907.patch
          2 kB
          Torsten Dettborn



            dettborn Torsten Dettborn
            dettborn Torsten Dettborn
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