Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- SPARK-10871
Specify number of failed executors in ApplicationMaster error message - SPARK-11163
Remove unnecessary addPendingTask calls in TaskSetManager.executorLost - SPARK-10515
When killing executor, the pending replacement executors will be lost - SPARK-11537
hour/minute/second returns negative value - SPARK-11246
[1.5] Table cache for Parquet broken in 1.5 - SPARK-11233
cosh is not registered in function registry - SPARK-11201
StreamContext.getOrCreate is broken is yarn-client mode - SPARK-10877
Assertions fail straightforward DataFrame job due to word alignment - SPARK-10980
Create wrong decimal if unscaled > 1e18 and scale > 0 - SPARK-10932
Port two minor changes to release packaging scripts back into Spark repo - SPARK-11023
Error initializing SparkContext. java.net.URISyntaxException - SPARK-10973
__gettitem__ method throws IndexError exception when we try to access index after the last non-zero entry. - SPARK-11542
glm does not work with long formula - SPARK-11417
@Override is not supported by older version of Janino - SPARK-11481
orderBy with multiple columns in WindowSpec does not work properly - SPARK-14468
Always enable OutputCommitCoordinator - SPARK-10845
SQL option "spark.sql.hive.version" doesn't show up in the result of "SET -v" - SPARK-11188
Elide stacktraces in bin/spark-sql for AnalysisExceptions - SPARK-11424
Guard against MAPREDUCE-5918 by ensuring RecordReader is only closed once in *HadoopRDD - SPARK-11047
Internal accumulators miss the internal flag when replaying events in the history server - SPARK-11051
NullPointerException when action called on localCheckpointed RDD (that was checkpointed before) - SPARK-10959
PySpark StreamingLogisticRegressionWithSGD does not train with given regParam and convergenceTol parameters - SPARK-11302
Multivariate Gaussian Model with Covariance matrix returns incorrect answer in some cases - SPARK-14357
Tasks that fail due to CommitDeniedException (a side-effect of speculation) can cause job failure - SPARK-10829
Scan DataSource with predicate expression combine partition key and attributes doesn't work - SPARK-10825
Flaky test: StandaloneDynamicAllocationSuite - SPARK-11251
Page size calculation is wrong in local mode - SPARK-11153
Turns off Parquet filter push-down for string and binary columns - SPARK-10859
Predicates pushed to InmemoryColumnarTableScan are not evaluated correctly - SPARK-11135
Exchange sort-planning logic incorrectly avoid sorts when existing ordering is non-empty subset of required ordering - SPARK-11126
A memory leak in SQLListener._stageIdToStageMetrics - SPARK-11032
Failure to resolve having correctly - SPARK-11103
Parquet filters push-down may cause exception when schema merging is turned on - SPARK-11009
RowNumber in HiveContext returns negative values in cluster mode - SPARK-11595
"ADD JAR" doesn't work if the given path contains URL scheme like "file:/" and "hdfs:/" - SPARK-11191
[1.5] Can't create UDF's using hive thrift service
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