Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
One of the log-aggregation parameter, the minimum valid value for yarn.nodemanager.log-aggregation.roll-monitoring-interval-seconds is MIN_LOG_ROLLING_INTERVAL - it has been hardcoded since its addition in YARN-2583.
It has been empirically set as 1 hour, as lower values would too frequently put the NodeManagers under pressure. For bigger clusters that is indeed a valid limitation, but for smaller clusters it makes sense and a valid customer usecase to use lower values, even like not so lower 30 mins. At this point this can only be achieved by setting yarn.nodemanager.log-aggregation.debug-enabled, which I believe should be kept as debug purposes.
I'm suggesting to make this min configurable, although a warning should be logged in the NodeManager startup when this value is lower than 1 hour.