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  1. UIMA
  2. UIMA-2542 Migrate uimaFIT build process
  3. UIMA-3174

Remove unnecessary plugin configurations

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    • Sub-task
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 2.0.0uimaFIT
    • uimaFIT
    • None


      Marshall Schor notes:

      There are spots in this pom which are overriding a parent (uima, apache, or
      maven-central), but maybe don't need to, or shouldn't?

      One example - there's a long list of versions in the pluginDependencies, one of
      which specifies the javadoc plugin 2.9. The parent-pom in v 6 has updated this
      to 2.9.1, in order to pick up a fix which corrects a security hole in javadoc
      generation we were asked to implement in all our javadocs.

      The general principle in the "local" parent pom is to keep it as empty as
      possible, only overriding things in the uima-wide parent pom (or its parent,
      etc.) for a reason. This way, improvements/corrections done in these poms get
      properly promulgated to all builds. The intent, when we update the uima-wide
      parent-pom, is to collect from all the project parent-poms anything they've
      discovered needs doing, that is general (beyond just that project), and move it
      to the parent, and then delete it from the sub-parents.

      For instance, at the moment, there's a change in v 7 (not yet released) of the
      uima-wide parent pom, which runs an ant step when doing the apache-release
      profile (only) that looks for generated javadocs and if it finds them (in the
      "conventional place", it runs the ant fixcrlf task against the .html files,
      because (1) javadoc produces inconsistent line endings, and (2) because we now
      "publish" these by commiting them to SVN, the commit fails if there are
      inconsistent line endings (and you have specified eol-style:native, which we
      have by default for .html files).

      So, I would expect to see this in your (local) parent pom (since v7 isn't
      released yet), but almost none of the other stuff.



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            rec Richard Eckart de Castilho
            rec Richard Eckart de Castilho
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue




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