Uploaded image for project: 'Traffic Server'
  1. Traffic Server
  2. TS-315

Add switch to disable config file generation/runtime behavior changing



    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 6.1.0
    • Configuration


      (was yahoo bug 1863676)

      Original description
      by Michael S. Fischer 2 years ago at 2008-04-09 09:52

      In production, in order to improve site stability, it is imperative that TS never accidentally overwrite its own
      configuration files.

      For this reason, we'd like to request a switch be added to TS, preferably via the command line, that disables all
      automatic configuration file generation or other runtime behavioral changes initiated by any form of IPC other than
      'traffic_line -x' (including the web interface, etc.)

      Comment 1
      by Bjornar Sandvik 2 years ago at 2008-04-09 09:57:17

      A very crucial request, in my opinion. If TS needs to be able to read command-line config changes on the fly, these
      changes should be stored in another config file (for example remap.config.local instead of remap.config). We have a
      patch config package that overwrites 4 of the config files under /home/conf/ts/, and with all packages
      we'd like to think that the content of these files can't change outside our control.

      Comment 2
      by Bryan Call 2 years ago at 2008-04-09 11:02:46

      traffic_line -x doesn't modify the configuration, it reloads the configuration files. If we want to have an option for
      this it would be good to have it as an option configuration file (CONFIG proxy.config.write_protect INT 1).

      It would be an equivalent of write protecting floppies (ahh the memories)...

      Comment 3
      by Michael S. Fischer 2 years ago at 2008-04-09 11:09:09

      I don't think it would be a good idea to have this in the configuration file, as it would introduce a chicken/egg

      Comment 4
      by Leif Hedstrom 19 months ago at 2008-08-27 12:43:17

      So I'm not 100% positive that this isn't just a bad interaction. Now, it's only
      triggered when trafficserver is running, but usually what ends up happening is that we get a records.config which
      looks like it's the default config that comes with the trafficserver package.

      It's possible it's all one and the same issue, or we might have two issues.


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              bcall Bryan Call
              mlibbey Miles Libbey
              0 Vote for this issue
              9 Start watching this issue

