

    • Sub-task
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 9.7, 9x
    • 9.8
    • cli


      The -s flag was previously used in many CLI options. Some conflicts were resolved in 9.7, others in main (10.0), and some are still unresolved. For this reason, this ticket focuses on adding the necessary deprecation warnings and removals for the remaining cases.

      -s is currently used for:

      • "scheme" in ConfigTool (see SOLR-17459)
      • "shards" in CreateTool (only in 9.7, 9x and main use -sh instead of -s)
      • "solr url" in bin/solr and bin/solr.cmd
      • "solr home" in ZkCLI (9.7 and 9x), bin/solr and bin/solr.cmd
      • "scrape interval" in SolrExporter
      • "started" in AssertTool
      • "not-started" (-S uppercase here) in AssertTool
      • "script" in RunExampleTool
      • "service name" in install_solr_service.sh

      Proposed Conflict Resolution

      Fix in branch_9_7 (9.7.1) -s for shards by replacing it with -sh in CreateTool. Previous changes from SOLR-17359 / #2593 mistakenly introduced -s for "shards", causing new conflicts that were resolved in branch_9x and main but not any possible patch-releases of 9.7 (branch_9_7).

      Deprecate (9x and 9.7.1) and remove (10.0) -s for "script" in RunExampleTool to avoid confusion with -s for "solr-url".

      Deprecate  (9x and 9.7.1) and remove (10.0) -s for "service name" in install_solr_service.sh by replacing it with --service.

      Deprecate  (9x and 9.7.1) and remove (10.0) -s for "solr home" in bin/solr, bin/solr.cmd and ZKCLI (only present in 9x releases) to avoid confusion with solr-url.

      Deprecate (9x and 9.7.1) and remove (10.0) -url (that violates the single-letter naming convention for flags) by replacing it with -s for "solr-url" in SolrCLI, so that the help output from Zk*Tool and other tools are correct (see notes below).

      Deprecate  (9x and 9.7.1) and remove (10.0) -s for "scrape-interval" in SolrExporter in favor to further migrations of solr url params and to avoid confusions wiht solr-url.

      Deprecate  (9x and 9.7.1) and remove (10.0) -s for "started" in AssertTool. A future proposal may include a full rewrite of AssertTool, but for now we will deprecate -s in favor to "solr-url".

      Deprecate  (9x and 9.7.1) and remove (10.0) -S (cap) for "not-started" in AssertTool. A future proposal may include a full rewrite of AssertTool, but for now we will deprecate -S in favor to "solr-url" and because case-sensitivity is avoided.

      Additional Notes

      Zookeeper CLI classes (Zk*Tool) are mentioning in their help output "-s <HOST>" for providing solr-url but the solr-url options support only -url and --solr-url (and other variants) as options, but not -s. This is partly a typo / bug that should be fixed.


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              epugh Eric Pugh
              malliaridis Christos Malliaridis
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue

