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  1. Spatial Information Systems
  2. SIS-171

Upgrade NetCDF to ISO-19115 mapping



    • Task
    • Status: Closed
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7
    • 0.8
    • Metadata, Storage


      The mapping from NetCDF attributes to the ISO-19115 metadata is defined at this page:

      The mapping implemented since SIS 0.3 is the version 1.0 of above convention. Available versions as of May 2017 is 1.3. We will need to upgrade the mapping implemented by SIS to the latest version.

      UPDATE - June 1917

      Rob Wallace did a review and posted his result on the mailing list. Below is a copy of his result:

      Report on work to check consistency of attributeNames between ISO 19115, ACDD 1-3 and Metadata paths in Javadoc June 2017

      Resources used:

      • ACDD 1-3 last modified version as of 24th January 2017
      • SIS source > Retrieved on 1st June 2017: storage/sis-netcdf/src/main/java/org/apache/sis/storage/netcdf/AttributeNames.java
      • AttributeNames Javadoc > Retrieved 26th May 2017
      • ISO 19115 xsl file > Retrieved on 6th June 2017

      In order to make the scanning of the XSL file easier, I (Rob): >

      • Read the XSL file with csVed v2.5.1 and filtered out xsl lines
      • Saved filtered version as CSV
      • Read CSV file with Notepad++ v7.4.1. This facilitated the metadata element searches.
      ACDD 1-3 Attribute Names In Javadoc Heading List? In Javadoc Field Detail? Metadata Path in ISO 19115 XSL file Field and ISO 19115 path inAttributeNames Class Source?
      title Metadata/citation/title
      summary Metadata/identificationInfo/abstract
      keywords Metadata/identificationInfo/descriptiveKeywords/keyword with KeywordType.THEME
      Conventions Needs to be implemented
      id As IDENTIFIER Metadata/fileIdentifier
      naming_authority Metadata/identificationInfo/citation/identifier/authority/title title node missing in source
      history Metadata/dataQualityInfo/lineage/statement
      source Cannot find “source” in file UnidataDD2MI.xsl No path for attribute in documents
      processing_level Metadata/contentInfo/processingLevelCode
      comment Metadata/identificationInfo/supplementalInformation No such path in ISO 19115
      acknowledgement Metadata/identificationInfo/credit
      license Metadata/identificationInfo/resourceConstraints/useLimitation
      standard_name_vocabulary Metadata/identificationInfo/descriptiveKeywords/thesaurusName/title
      date_created Metadata/identificationInfo/citation/date/date with DateType.CREATION
      creator_name Metadata/identificationInfo/citation with Role.ORIGINATOR
      creator_email Metadata/identificationInfo/citation with Role.ORIGINATOR
      creator_url Metadata/identificationInfo/citation with Role.ORIGINATOR
      institution Metadata/identificationInfo/citation with Role.ORIGINATOR
      project Metadata/identificationInfo/descriptiveKeywords with the “project” KeywordType
      publisher_name Metadata/distributionInfo/distributor/distributorContact with Role.PUBLISHER AttributeNames class uses the branch name of “distributors”. It s/be “distributor”
      publisher_name Metadata/identificationInfo/descriptiveKeywords/keyword with the "dataCenter" KeywordType
      publisher_email As above and
      publisher_url As above and
      geospatial_bounds Not in ISO 19115 document
      geospatial_bounds_crs Not in ISO 19115 document
      geospatial_bounds_vertical_crs Not in ISO 19115 document
      geospatial_lat_min and geospatial_lat_max Metadata/identificationInfo/extent/geographicElement/southBoundLatitude or northBoundLatitude, Metadata/spatialRepresentationInfo/axisDimensionProperties/resolution
      The spatialRepresentationInfo element does not contain the final two elements. They exist independently in Metadata XSL
      and The 2nd and 3rd elements are not contained within the 1st
      geospatial_lon_min and geospatial_lon_max Metadata/identificationInfo/extent/geographicElement/westBoundLongitude or eastBoundLongitude, Metadata/spatialRepresentationInfo/axisDimensionProperties/resolution
      The spatialRepresentationInfo element does not contain the final two elements. They exist independently in Metadata XSL
      and The 2nd and 3rd elements are not contained within the 1st
      geospatial_vertical_min and geospatial_vertical_max Metadata/identificationInfo/extent/verticalElement/minimumValue or maximumValue, Metadata/spatialRepresentationInfo/axisDimensionProperties/resolution The spatialRepresentationInfo element does not contain the final two elements. They exist independently in Metadata XSL and The 2nd and 3rd elements are not contained within the 1st
      geospatial_vertical_positive Seems to be missing in ISO 19115 in XLS file
      time_coverage_start Metadata/identificationInfo/extent/temporalElement/extent
      time_coverage_end Metadata/identificationInfo/extent/temporalElement/extent
      time_coverage_duration     Unsure of the implementation of this in our source
      time_coverage_resolution Metadata/spatialRepresentation/axisDimensionProperties/resolution
      creator_type     Can be covered by “creator”
      creator_institution     Can be covered by “creator”
      publisher_type     Can be covered by “publisher”
      publisher_institution     Can be covered by “publisher”
      program To be implemented in XSL file?
      contributor_name As CONTRIBUTOR Metadata/identificationInfo/citation This path is stated in Javadoc, but I cannot see where the data will be defined in the XSL file ?
      contributor_role As CONTRIBUTOR Metadata/identificationInfo/citation This path is stated in Javadoc, but I cannot see where the data will be defined in the XSL file ?
      geospatial_lat_units Unsure about how these data items will be read in ?
      geospatial_lat_resolution Unsure about how these data items will be read in ?
      geospatial_lon_units Unsure about how these data items will be read in ?
      geospatial_lon_resolution Unsure about how these data items will be read in ?
      geospatial_vertical_units Unsure about how these data items will be read in ?
      geospatial_vertical_resolution As above ?
      date_modified Metadata/identificationInfo/citation/date/date with DateType.REVISION
      date_issued Metadata/identificationInfo/citation/date/date with DateType.PUBLICATION
      date_metadata_modified   Can’t find ?
      product_version   Can’t find ?
      keywords_vocabulary As VOCABULARY Metadata/identificationInfo/descriptiveKeywords/thesaurusName/title
      platform Can’t find
      platform_vocabulary Can’t find
      instrument Can’t find
      instrument_vocabularay Can’t find
      cdm_data_type As DATA_TYPE Metadata/identificationInfo/spatialRepresentationType in Javadoc No spatialRepresentationType element in XSL file
      metadata_link Could be there under a different name
      references Metadata/identificationInfo/citation/otherCitationDetails
      long_name No yet in ISO 19115?
      standard_name Metadata/identificationInfo/descriptiveKeywords/keyword with KeywordType.THEME
      units Could be there in XSL file
      coverage_content_type Does appear in XSL file as “contentType”
      acces_constraint As ACCESS_CONSTRAINT Metadata/identificationInfo/resourceContraints/accessConstraints Not found in XSL file
      contributor_email As CONTRIBUTOR Not specifically in XSL file ?
      contributor_url As CONTRIBUTOR Not specifically in XSL file ?
      flag_masks Metadata/rangeElementDescription/rangeElement Question: "rangeElement" referred to by two attributes? But includes "/contentInfo" in path
      flag_meanings Metadata/rangeElementDescription/definition As above
      flag_names Metadata/rangeElementDescription/name As above
      flag_values Metadata/rangeElementDescription/rangeElement Question: "rangeElement" referred to by two attributes? As above
      full_name Not sure of where this is implemented
      geographic_identifier Metadata/identificationInfo/extent/geographicElement/geographicIdentifier Element "geographicIdentifier" Not found
      metadata_creation Metadata/dateStamp
      name Unsure of identity for this name
      purpose Metadata/identificationInfo/purpose Not found
      time_coverage_units Is mentioned at top of file as: //nc:attribute[@name='time_coverage_units']/@value)"/> Maybe covered somewhere
      topic_category Metadata/identificationInfo/topicCategory


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              desruisseaux Martin Desruisseaux
              desruisseaux Martin Desruisseaux
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