When trying to merge PDFs with there corresponding XFDFs all sort of Problems occur.
I created different pdfs with form fields and a "sendbutton". (The Sendbutton triggers a send-action to
send the form data via POST-Request to a URL in the XFDF format).
Merging that xfdf data with the pdf worked only for the simplest most minimal Example: 1 Text-Input + Send Button.
In the other cases I experienced some of the following problems
- Missing checkbox
- NPE in importFDF (acroForm == null)
- Miss-rendered send-button (not working any longer: either URL damaged or document no send-able with strange Adobe message)
I tried doing the same with the evaluation Version of Aspose Pdf Kit for Java which worked fine in all of that cases.
I could provide examples of pdfs and and corresponding xfdf that show that faulty behavior