This task is to support the use of delimited-identifiers as defined by the 2.0 specification. The 10/31/2008 draft of the specification has some open issues regarding this item and while the spec indicates delimited identifiers can be enabled per an element in the persistence.xml, the persistence schema does contain the delimited-identifiers definition. However, work could begin on this item and the enablement of delimited identifiers could be temporarily triggered via a config property (or some other means) to exercise the capability.
I'm iteratively making changes. The first set of changes is supporting manual delimiting of ids, by specifying /"xxx"/ in the annotation values. For this first patch, the following annotation values are supported:
@Table - name, schema
@SecondaryTable - name, schema
@Column - name, table
@CollectionTable - name, schema
@MapKeyColumn - name
These have been tested on Derby and DB2.