Specifying a default for VersionStrategy in persistence.xml has no effect when a version field is present in the entity class.
According the OpenJPA documentation the following property should override the default value of VersionStrategy and the specified RowChangeTimestampStrategy should be applied for all entity classes.
<property name="openjpa.jdbc.MappingDefaults"
value="jpa(" />
JPA accepts this property but then it has no effect on Entity mappings if the version field is present.
import javax.persistence.*;
import org.apache.openjpa.persistence.jdbc.VersionStrategy;
public class EntityA {
@Id int id;
String name;
double amt;
@Version java.sql.Timestamp lastUpdate;
For EntityA, the version strategy should be RowChangeTimestampStrategy. Instead, the NumberVersionStrategy is adopted.
If the @Version is removed from EntityA, the version strategy becomes RowChangeTimestampStrategy.