If an entity has an attribute of type Byte array and the column name is overridden in xml the following error will occur.
<openjpa-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-r420667:566855 fatal user error>
org.apache.openjpa.persistence.ArgumentException: You have supplied columns for
"org.apache.openjpa.persistence.xml.XmlOverrideEntity.picture<element:class java.lang.Byte>", but this mapping cannot have columns in this context.
Code snippets follow :
public class XmlOverrideEntity {
private Byte[] picture;
// orm.xml
<entity name="XmlOverride" class="XmlOverrideEntity">
<basic name="name" optional="true"></basic>
<basic name="description" optional="false"></basic>
<basic name="picture" fetch="EAGER">
<column name="pic_xml"/>