I have discovered an issue with using @SqlResultSetMapping when inheritance and ManyToOne relationships are used. To explain the issue, take this entity and @SqlResultSetMapping:
@SqlResultSetMapping(name = "MyResMap", entities = { @EntityResult(entityClass = CrtRequisicaoChequePersEntity.class, fields =
public class CrtRequisicaoChequePersEntity extends CrtRequisicaoEntity {
@javax.persistence.JoinColumn(name = "OPERACAO_RECEPCAO_SERV_CENT", referencedColumnName = "ID")
private CrtOperacaoEntity crtOperacaoByOperacaoRecepcaoServCent;
As you can see, this entity extends 'CrtRequisicaoEntity' and has a ManyToOne relationship to 'CrtOperacaoEntity', with name 'crtOperacaoByOperacaoRecepcaoServCent'. As you can see, the @FieldResult in the @SqlResultSetMapping references the fields in 'CrtOperacaoEntity'. These two entities are defined as follows:
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
public class CrtRequisicaoEntity {
private long id;
public class CrtOperacaoEntity implements Serializable {
private long id;
private Timestamp dataHora;
With these entities, take an SQL select which uses an AS (the entire SQL is to long to add here, see provided recreate/test attached):
String sqlCust = "SELECT t0.ID" +
",t2.DATA_HORA as opRecepcaoServCentraisDataHora" +
",t2.ID as opRecepcaoServCentraisId" +
"FROM CrtRequisicaoChequePersEntity t0"
"INNER JOIN CrtOperacaoEntity t2"
With this SQL, the two IDs will be populated with the ID from CrtRequisicaoChequePersEntity, rather than the ID corresponding to each entity.