OpenJPA in Geronimo 4 produces a lot of warnings like these:
2013-11-12 08:46:27,414 WARN [Schema] Existing column "Description" on table "Project" is incompatible with the same column in the given schema definition. Existing column:
Full Name: Project.Description
Type: longvarchar
Size: 65535
Default: null
Not Null: false
Given column:
Full Name: Project.Description
Type: varchar
Size: 255
Default: null
Not Null: false
For ordinary varchar columns they can be avoided by specifying length in the @Column annotation, but for longvarchar it is more problematic. Since different databases have different sizes for these columns, there is no single correct value for the length attribute if you want a single EAR to be usable with different database servers.
The workaround in Geronimo is to add the line
to the log4j properties, but that will of course suppress other warnings as well.
One solution could be for OpenmJPA to log mismatching longvarchar, clob, etc, sizes with level DEBUG instead.