Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
I use a custom field strategy value handler (a class that extends org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats.AbstractValueHandler) for my entities that make use of joda time fields:
public class MyEntity {
org.joda.time.LocalDateTime creationDate;
When I use the inline strategy annotation (@Strategy("")), everything works as expected and my LocalDateTime field 'creationDate' gets mapped to an SQL timestamp. However, if I reference my value handler globally in the persistence.xml file, then OpenJPA is not able to find the value handler (i.e., it is never called), which results in a blob column type for 'creationDate'. Here's the corresponding snippet from my persistence.xml:
<property name="openjpa.jdbc.MappingDefaults" value="FieldStrategies='"/>
Note that if I use a mapping from a standard JDK class like java.lang.String to my value handler, then my handler is called as expected. Is this issue somehow related to #OPENJPA-758? Note that I use Derby as my database.
Any help would be much appreciated.