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  1. OpenJPA
  2. OPENJPA-2246

when using fetchplans a different entitymanager may incorrectly eagerly fetch a lazy association

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    • Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 2.1.1, 2.2.0
    • None
    • jpa, performance
    • None


      Setting a FetchPlan on an entitymanager which loads a certain @OneToMany field that is marked as lazy and cascade all, can result in a different entityManager (created by the same factory) to eagerly fetch this field, even if the field is not in the fetchplan of this different entityManager.

      I found two situations where this occurs (each step uses a different entityManager with a transaction):

      • em.merge a new entity (and cascaded related entity) with fetchgroup added
      • find entity with no fetchgroup added
        -> the lazy-fetched field is incorrectly loaded
      • em.persist a new entity (and cascaded related entity) with NO fetchgroup added
      • find entity with fetchgroup added
      • find entity with NO fetchgroup added
        -> the lazy-fetched field is incorrectly loaded

      The weird thing is that persist and merge behave inconsistently - isn't that great, an inconsistency within an inconsistency? - because switching persist/merge results in the following situations that work as expected:

      • em.persist a new entity (and cascaded related entity) with fetchgroup added
      • find entity with no fetchgroup added
        -> the lazy-fetched field is a null reference (expected)
      • em.merge a new entity (and cascaded related entity) with NO fetchgroup added
      • find entity with fetchgroup added
      • find entity with NO fetchgroup added
        -> the lazy-fetched field is a null reference (expected)

      Checking the trace and generated SQL confirms that the field that should not be fetched is in fact fetched.
      I think this is a bug because this is both inefficient and is inconsistent because I wish my data access to behave predictably.

      Note that turning on <property name="openjpa.DetachState" value="fetch-groups" /> in persistence.xml solves the issues but internally OpenJPA still performs the eager fetch.



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            slowstrider Vermeulen




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