The problem occurs with the following relationships between classes:
Parent ->* Child ->* GrandChild. Class Parent has a collection of Childs.
Class Child has a collection of GrandChilds.
Each one-to-many relationship is annotated like this: @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.
ALL, orphanRemoval = true, ...). I.e. we use orphan removal and remove operations cascade from parents to children and grandchildren.
When we do the following a DB constraint violation occurs:
1) Start a transaction
2) Load a Parent instance from the database
3) Navigate to a Child and modify it
4) Cut the relationship between Child and GrandChild
5) Cut the relationship between Parent and Child
6) Commit the transaction
Caused by: org.apache.openjpa.lib.jdbc.ReportingSQLException: DELETE on table 'JPAORPHAN_CHILD' caused a violation of foreign key constraint 'SQL120320110237861' for key (11). The statement has been rolled back.
{prepstmnt 1074806800 DELETE FROM APP.JPAORPHAN_CHILD WHERE ID = ? [params=(int) 11]}[code=20000, state=23503]