According to the documentation (Part 3, chapter 7, paragraph 6), join criteria can be defined so that a column in the source or target table must have some constant value. The constant value should be specified in the attribute "referencedColumnName" of the @JoinColumn annotation. If the constant is a string then its value should be enclosed first in single quotes and then in double quotes like this:
@JoinColumn(name="table.column", referencedColumnName="'value'")
A numeric constant value needs just a single pair of double quotes:
@JoinColumn(name="table.column", referencedColumnName="2")
However a practical test shows that both options produce an error.
Issue Links
- duplicates
OPENJPA-2503 Numeric non-standard joins with constant column values broken
- Open
OPENJPA-1979 Regression for non-standard joins with constant column values
- Closed
- is a clone of
OPENJPA-1979 Regression for non-standard joins with constant column values
- Closed