Typical bank example, Account with Transactions. It is a legacy db so Transaction has compound key - represented by TransactionId class.
The problem is that the order by in the generated SQL is for columns mapped in the transaction entity NOT the TransacionId as expected.
So the Account class has the following fragment....
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade =
@ElementJoinColumn(name="maccno", referencedColumnName="maccno")
@OrderBy(value = "_id._processDate ASC, _id._tranSequenceNumber ASC")
private LinkedList<Transaction> _transactions;
_processDate and _tranSequenceNumber are defined in the TransactionId class.
Transaction has the following fragment....
private TransactionId _id;
@Column(name = "mtrancde")
private int _transactionCode;
@Column(name = "mamount")
private BigDecimal _amount;
@Column(name = "mdesc")
private String _description;
@Column(name = "mactdate")
private Date _actualDate;
@Column(name = "mbranch")
private int _branch;
And TransactionId defines the primary key columns....
public class TransactionId {
@Column(name = "maccno")
private String _accountNumber;
@Column(name = "mprocdate")
private Date _processDate;
@Column(name = "mtranseqno")
private int _tranSequenceNumber;
However the generated SQL is doing order by on columns mapped in Transaction:
executing prepstmnt 23188098 SELECT t0.maccno, t0.mprocdate, t0.mtranseqno, t0.mactdate, t0.mamount, t0.mbranch, t0.mchqcash, t0.mdesc,
t0.mtmnlno, t0.mtrancde, t0.mtrnfeed
FROM transaction t0
WHERE t0.maccno = ?
ORDER BY t0.mamount ASC, t0.mbranch ASC [params=(String) 000734123]
(no idea why it chose mamount, mbranch)
The last line should be:
ORDER BY t0.mprocdate ASC, t0.mtranseqno ASC [params=(String) 000734123]