When DBDictionary.getPlaceholderValueString is called with Types.BIT, it returns "0".
PostgreSQL actually requires that a boolean be set. It cannot handle a numeric argument.
Fix Description:
Overriden DBDictionary.getPlaceholderValueString() inside PostgresDictionary to process Types.BIT correctly.
Now, the method returns 'false' value when Types.BIT is passed as Column.type.
Test case:
The above bug is exposed from Kodo product which internally uses openJPA.
When a query is made on a subclass using kodo api.
Kodo generates an SQL ( with help of openJPA) that has UNION in it.
It generates a SQL similar to the following:
SELECT 0 FROM public.classA t0 UNION ALL SELECT t0.guidance FROM public.classB t0
It got 0 from the openJPA DBDictionary.getPlaceholderValueString as the guidance data type is boolean.
The above SQL will throw an exception in postgreSQL db saying:
ERROR: UNION types integer and boolean cannot be matched.