The lock resource name getEntityKey() is printed when lock is acquired whereas getName() + "_" + actionId is printed when Could not get lock. This makes difficult to correlate the logs.
LOG.debug("Acquired lock for [{0}] in [{1}]", getEntityKey(), getName()); LOG.debug("Could not get lock [{0}], timed out [{1}]ms, and requeue itself [{2}]", this.toString(), getLockTimeOut(), getName());
2018-10-10 12:00:05,698 pool-6-thread-5 DEBUG ActionCheckXCommand:526 - SERVER[dn3-george] USER[-] GROUP[-] TOKEN[-] APP[-] JOB[-] ACTION[0000134-181002155022081-oozie-oozi-W@shell1] Could not get lock [action.check_0000134-181002155022081-oozie-oozi-W@shell1], timed out [5,000]ms, and requeue itself [action.check]
The actual lock it waits is for 0000134-181002155022081-oozie-oozi-W which is not printed.