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  1. OFBiz
  2. OFBIZ-7779

Update wiki Eclipse pages regarding Gradle

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    • Task
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • None
    • 16.11.01
    • Confluence
    • None


      I wanted to update the 2 wiki Eclipse pages regarding Gradle. But so far got some issues in my environment (still Windows 7).

      I use both Eclipse Luna and Mars (Mars at 98%). Luna does not support Gradle.

      First I must say my Mars instance works perfectly, but for few months I'm unable to update. I did not try yet to create another Mars instance because I guess it will anyway screws its update mechanism later :/

      Mars comes with the embedded "Gradle Buildship" plugin, I have the 1.0.5 version from 2015-09-22. I found this tuto http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/EclipseGradle/article.html (with a 6/7 clone/redundant section).

      Few remarks: I see no Gradle context menu entrie, maybe due to my unability to update Mars, so I'm unable to "add Gradle support to existing Eclipse project ". So I created a Gradle "trunk" side project following , but, though all work well in command line, in Eclipse building with Gradle does not work. I always get (see compile.error)

      Of course I tried (4th) to install Eclipse Neon, to no avail, so far the best I got (at least I eventually got something) is in neon.error

      I'll continue later...


        1. OFBIZ-7779.patch
          2 kB
          Taher Alkhateeb
        2. OFBIZ-7779.patch
          15 kB
          Taher Alkhateeb
        3. neon.error
          22 kB
          Jacques Le Roux
        4. Image 007.png
          9 kB
          Jacques Le Roux
        5. compile.error
          21 kB
          Jacques Le Roux

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            jleroux Jacques Le Roux
            jleroux Jacques Le Roux
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