Currently, in ecommerce/tiny-gismo-GZ-1000-p a comment field is shown.
This is a result of the following code in productdetail.ftl
<#assign commentEnable = Static["org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityUtilProperties"].getPropertyValue("order", "order.item.comment.enable", delegator)> <#if commentEnable.equals("Y")> <#assign orderItemAttr = Static["org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityUtilProperties"].getPropertyValue("order", "order.item.attr.prefix", delegator)> ${uiLabelMap.CommonComment} <input type="text" name="${orderItemAttr}comment"/> </#if>
Based on the code excerpt this is set by a property value in the order component. However this should be based on a configuration setting in the store.