Uploaded image for project: 'Maven Deploy Plugin'
  1. Maven Deploy Plugin
  2. MDEPLOY-234

Nothing is deployed if deployAtEnd=true and extension is added in submodule



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • 2.8.2
    • None
    • deploy:deploy
    • None
    • Maven 3.5.3


      It seems that when deploytEnd=true and one of the submodules in the reactor adds an extension, then nothing gets deployed. The last module to build says "Deploying ... at end".


      I'm attaching a minimal project that is affected by the issue. To reproduce, unpack it and issue the following command in the main dir (I've used Maven 3.5.3).

      mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=test::default::file:target/repo

      Outcome: Nothing is deployed. The target/repo is not created. See output attached.

      Expected result: Deployment of both modules is performed during submodule's deploy phase.


      I've debugged it and think I understand the problem:

      1. When the parent module is built, the DeployMojo class is loaded and the

      private static final AtomicInteger readyProjectsCounter

      field is initialized to 0.

      2. Then it's bumped to 1 when deploy of "parent" is executed.

      3. Then, the second module is built (submodule) and, because it contributes an extension, DepoyMojo class is re-loaded (by Guice?) and the

      private static final AtomicInteger readyProjectsCounter

      field is reinitialized to 0.

      4. Then it's bumped to 1 when deploy of "submodule" is executed, but since 1 < 2 the deploy is not performed at all.


      Not sure how to fix it, anyone?


        1. result.txt
          2 kB
          Piotr Paczynski
        2. project.zip
          1 kB
          Piotr Paczynski

        Issue Links



              rfscholte Robert Scholte
              ppaczyn Piotr Paczynski
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              3 Start watching this issue

