Here is a list of DistCpV2 JIRAs:
MAPREDUCE-2765: DistCpV2 main jiraHADOOP-8703: turn CRC checking off for 0 byte sizeHDFS-3054: distcp -skipcrccheck has no effect.HADOOP-8431: Running distcp without args throws IllegalArgumentExceptionHADOOP-8775: non-positive value to -bandwidthMAPREDUCE-4654: TestDistCp is ignoredHADOOP-9022: distcp fails to copy file if -m 0 specifiedHADOOP-9025: TestCopyListing failingMAPREDUCE-5075: DistCp leaks input file handles- distcp part of
HADOOP-8341: Fix findbugs issues in hadoop-tools MAPREDUCE-5014: custom CopyListing
Issue Links
- relates to
MAPREDUCE-2765 DistCp Rewrite
- Closed