Currently there is no way to check contents of the feature. It's also hard to determine what dependencies feature has.
First command - describes feature using Feature instance. Command by default displays info about configuration (-c), dependencies (-d) and bundles (-b option) in feature.
karaf@root> features:desc payment-service Description of payment-service 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT feature ---------------------------------------------------------------- Feature has no configuration. Feature dependens on: datasource 0.0.0 dataaccess 0.0.0 activemq-camel 0.0.0 camel-jetty 0.0.0 contract 0.0.0 Feature contains followed bundles: mvn:org.code-house.esb.payment/engine/1.0.0.SNAPSHOT mvn:org.code-house.esb.payment/binding/1.0.0.SNAPSHOT mvn:org.code-house.esb.payment/persistence/1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
Second command displays features tree. If user will pass -b parameter feature bundles will be attached to tree.
karaf@root> features:tree payment-service payment-service 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT datasource 0.0.0 activemq 0.0.0 * postgresql 8.3 spring 2.5.6.SEC01 commons-dbcp 0.0.0 dataaccess 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT domain 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT persistence-api 1.0.0 hibernate 0.0.0 persistence-api 1.0.0 activemq-camel 5.3.0-fuse-01-00 camel-jetty 0.0.0 * contract 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT Tree contains 2 unresolved dependencies * means that node declares dependency but the dependant feature is not available.
karaf@root> features:tree domain domain 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT persistence-api 1.0.0
karaf@root> features:tree -b domain domain 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT + mvn:org.code-house/domain/1.0.0.SNAPSHOT + \ mvn:org.code-house.shippingstock/domain/1.0.0.SNAPSHOT persistence-api 1.0.0 \ mvn:javax.persistence/com.springsource.javax.persistence/1.0.0
Issue Links
- is cloned by
KARAF-1789 CLONE - Add features:info command
- Closed
- supercedes
CODEC-129 Use standard Maven directory layout.
- Closed