Status: Resolved
Resolution: Duplicate
impala 2.3
Query: explain select * from (select null x from alltypessmall) a right outer join (select id + null y from alltypestiny) b on (a.x = b.y) +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Explain String | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Estimated Per-Host Requirements: Memory=160.00MB VCores=2 | | | | 04:EXCHANGE [UNPARTITIONED] | | | | | 02:NESTED LOOP JOIN [LEFT OUTER JOIN, BROADCAST] | | | join predicates: (NULL = id + NULL) | | | | | |--03:EXCHANGE [BROADCAST] | | | | | | | 00:SCAN HDFS [functional.alltypessmall] | | | partitions=4/4 files=4 size=6.32KB | | | | | 01:SCAN HDFS [functional.alltypestiny] | | partitions=4/4 files=4 size=460B | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Query: explain select * from (select null x from alltypessmall) a right outer join (select null y from alltypestiny) b on (a.x = b.y) ERROR: NotImplementedException: Error generating a valid execution plan for this query. A RIGHT OUTER JOIN type with no equi-join predicates can only be executed with a single node plan.
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IMPALA-3063 NotImplementedException: ... RIGHT OUTER JOIN ... can only be executed with a single node plan
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