Issue detected by SpotBugs. Specifically the warning reported is:
H M VO_VOLATILE_INCREMENT VO: Increment of volatile field org.apache.ignite.internal.tx.impl.TxManagerImpl$TxContext.inflights in org.apache.ignite.internal.tx.impl.TxManagerImpl.lambda$addInflight$21(boolean[], UUID, TxManagerImpl$TxContext) At[line 843] H M VO_VOLATILE_INCREMENT VO: Increment of volatile field org.apache.ignite.internal.tx.impl.TxManagerImpl$TxContext.inflights in org.apache.ignite.internal.tx.impl.TxManagerImpl.lambda$removeInflight$22(UUID, TxManagerImpl$TxContext) At[line 858]
Increments/Decrements of volatile fields aren't atomic. If more than one thread is incrementing/decrementing the field at the same time, increments/decrements could be lost.
Investigate whenever this is a false-positive and we should suppress it, or we should make a proper fix.
At the result of investigation corresponding TODO should be removed in spotbugs-excludes.xml
Issue Links
- split from
IGNITE-21569 Introduce Spotbugs checks
- Resolved